Wednesday, May 24, 2023



“ a systematic, if brief, explanation of salvation theory”

"What is your salvation theory, briefly?"  This is similar to the essay question “Describe the universe, and give two examples, in one page or less.”  Yeah, right!  A discussion about “salvation” could go on for eons.  I am reminded of Jn.20:30-31 -- Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.


This discussion is as deep and wide as the love of Jesus.  Some key concepts would include faith vs. works; the role of the Spirit; the very nature of God; the Fall; predestination; election; the will of man; revelation and natural law; imputed righteousness.  But, let me start with some key verses:  Eph.2:8-9; Lk.18:9-14; Jn.6:28-29; Gal.5:5-6; Phil.3:9.


I strongly believe that any understanding of “salvation” must be filtered through the concept summarized in Eph.2.  Jesus said our righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees, quite a steep standard.  The RYR had kept the law since childhood and wanted more to do.  The Pearl of great price is worth everything.  How do these verses fit through the “E2 filter”?!


Faith is a key element.  Faith can easily be misunderstood.  But, I mean “TC faith”, as seen in Lk.18:9f.  The TC humbly, honestly, hungrily pleaded with God for mercy.  Such faith brings justification, and changes ones life.


Faith is the portal/contact point through which we touch the Divine, rather, through which he touches us!  It is in this state that God can begin to work the miracle of transformation.  All other means are spurious and futile.


The “great command” illustrates the flip side of this coin.  Faith and Love are co-mingled.  We can trust God because he is love.  He comes to us in love when we trust him and do not run hide looking for fig leaves.  He lovingly provides us covering for our sin, Jesus, the sacrificed lamb providing the fleece.  What God is basically trying to restore in the fallen world is the original state of child-like, innocent, trusting love; likened unto a mother and child!  We have made religion into a contest between us and God, trying to outscore the Demons.  We are on the same team with Jesus!  And he has hit a grand slam, through the Snake.


It is not about being right; it is about admitting ones wrongness.  In humility and honesty, hungering, one finds righteousness.  But, it is not self-righteousness, it is the cloak of Jesus covering our pitiful frames!  In him we are secure, protected, loved, guided, destined!  We are in his hands and Allstate is a just a joke, compared to the Carpenter’s burly grip.


I experienced a watershed eureka in 1989(?).  A friend and I were working as carpenters in downtown Chicago (we were there as mission interns).  During a discussion of “salvation” we were pondering Eph.2; and, a light went on in my head and heart!  I have never been the same.  I am going home!  He is drawing my heart there.  He is with me, walking with me to keep me going.  Failure is not an option!  Do I have all the details worked out, theologically or practically?  No.  But, I am in the boat with him, and the storms can rage.  We are not going to drown!


Calvin had his Arminius.  Augustine had his Pelagius.  I cannot get my head around all this.  But, I know whom I have trusted, and he is able.


If you want to look at the “trees”, then let’s alight somewhere, make some coffee and talk.  But, this is the view from on high.


Jerry Cornelson


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