Saturday, April 28, 2018


Sin Begins, and Thus, We Win!

Us He made, though He knew we would fail.
Only one simple command, them He did tell.
It was no surprise; it actually was planned.
"This is the only way they will make the Promised Land."

"Fail they will, no matter how them we bless;
Confidence, oddly, will be their greatest weakness.
Down through the ages, again and again,
They must look up to Us, or be hopelessly in sin!"

"We will tell the first murder, sin he must master.
Then, banished, wandering alone, he will return home faster!
The same story of the prodigal son coming to his senses,
Will be repeatedly relived in the hearts with no defenses"

To the rich, young ruler, He gave a simple command,
"Sell all and give to the poor of the land..."
"The Ten you have kept, yes this is all true;
I will give you one, that I know you cannot do!"

The Law was never the way nor the cure,
Though successfully keeping it, certainly has its allure.
The Darkness obscures and distorts even our best.
Lo, the proud, are the cursed, and the cursed, are the blessed!

Weakness is strength and Failure their greatest rabbi.
When all looks lost, only then on Me they will rely!
The Snake will hiss and even bruise His heel.
But losing on the hill, will only seal the deal!

In Your mercy, you let us sin?!
In our losing, through You, we win!