Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Highway to Heaven

Highway to Heaven  
RESOLUTIONS 2016 – “H-list”

1)      Checklist for spiritual growth
2)      Wesley’s (John, Charles) had a method, a checklist – Holiness Club questions https://jimmorrow.wordpress.com/2007/05/03/holiness-john-wesleys-holy-club-questions/
3)      Pilot has a checklist (“Jesus Is My Co-pilot”?!)
4)      At work, LOTO lists at work to prevent injury, oversight
5)      “Army deployment has pre and post checklist…” John D.
6)      “Basically, this is an itemized list of what it means to be ‘Christ-like’?!“ Anthony D.

List of fundamental Christian character traits and self-image visions:

1.       Humility – “think of others as better…”
2.       Honesty – with myself, to others (cf. “hypocrite”?!)
3.       Helplessness/need/dependence
4.       Hopefulness – “my hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness..”
5.       Hunger – for righteousness, for God, “as the deer pants…”
6.       Homesickness –“…all I know is I’m not home yet; this is not where I belong…”
7.       Honor – act like a son of the King!
8.       Holiness – be “other” than the “world”
9.       Helper/service
10.   Healer/peacemaker
11.   Healthy/health-conscious (spiritual) cf. vegan health nut
12.   Hearing – “ears to hear…”  hymn- Open My Eyes
13.   Herald – proclaiming Jesus
14.   Holy-man – guru: prayer, meditation; cf. Kung-fu show
15.   Hallelujah – praising God
16.   Happy – positive; joy; Beatitudes
17.   Harmony – “live a peace with all men…”; “stewards of the garden…”
18.   Harmless – “live by sword, die by sword”; road-rage bird-flipping lane-switching
19.   Heart – love has to be on this list, specifically!
20.   Halt/hold-horses – patience, waiting, endurance


Making all this possible is the Holy Spirit! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015



“…hey, can I get a dip from you? Left my can at the gym…”  and, with that, I came out of his back pocket, to be opened by the other, a generous pinch then dug out and placed in the other’s mouth!  Another onlooker asked, “… is that stuff addictive?”  and, yet another fellow added, “… just smelling the stuff is making me crave it; and, I have not dipped in years.  Nicotine is a powerful drug.  I have not smoked in a while, either; but, when I puff on a cigarette, I can feel the stuff warmly running through my veins…”

There are many addictions, some chemical, some more mental.  Many guys who tote me around in their pocket, also love bottled addictions.  Of course there are snorted and smoked things out there.  Some even use needles.  And, then there is the internet.  Some spend hours filling up their eyes, and hearts, with shocking images.

The Book mentions not being filled with wine, but with the Spirit.  Now there is an ADDICTION!  Imagine a SPIRITUAL addiction?!  How would it be similar?  Different?  What if folks were drawn to things above, like they are to things down here?  What would it look like?  How would their lives be better?

And, how would a Jesus-junkie feed his habit?  Would it be a daily addiction?  Or, just a week-end diversion?  Would it consume him?  Could he just walk away from it?  Would everything else in his life just fade into nothing?

There’s something in the Book about their having “treasure in earthen vessels…” but I think they are full of something else?!  I don’t know much; I am just a Skoal can!  But, it seems that there is more to life than what I can give?

Monday, December 21, 2015

and, Love smiles…

and, Love smiles…

Somewhere, and yet everywhere, at a moment and yet always and forever, Love smiles at the angels, watching in confusion, and announces plans for a new race of loved ones.  Yet, the Word of God smiles, with resolve and affirmation, knowing the price one day to be paid, the cost of love, asking, “… will they ever get it…?”  And, Love smiles.

On a cold, dark night, far from the familiar comforts of their home, just past all the pain and struggle, a young mother, Mary, looks into the face of her new baby, and loves smiles, erasing all the darkness.  And, the baby, cooing and gurgling, smiles up from the arms embracing him.  And, Love smiles.

With five of their days gone by, He forms him and breaths alive the man, smiling as he opens his eyes.  And Adam arises to his new sentience, smiling as he walks with his Creator (in a fellowship too soon gone).  A new bond of love has formed in the cosmos.  And, Love smiles.

With much surrounding him, he is still alone, with a strange ache in his heart.  Carefully, he holds his tender side, smiling as the “mother of all living” approaches (strangely different but the same); and Adam exclaims, “At last! …”  And, Love smiles.

Together, they are alone.  And the pair nervously smile as they approach Him, with fruity breath.  And the Creator disappointedly smiles as he covers them with hides of slain creatures, the cost of His love.   And, Love smiles.

Another pair, ages later, Simeon and Anna, smile as they meet the long-awaited hope and consolation of Israel.  And the pair with the child, Joseph and Mary, smile, marveling over and carefully memorizing the strange words of this old pair?!  And, Love smiles.

The studious, old teachers smile as they listen to His answers, a mere boy of twelve.  Later, the Twelve often smile with the same curious amazement.  Heaven smiles as the message unfolds.  Will they hear it?  And, Love smiles.

Smiling, Jesus affirms the answer given by the seeker about the great command – “…love God … love your neighbor…”  And with a gleam in His eye, He continues, “… you are not far from the kingdom…”  and, Love smiles.

Mary and her sons approach the crowd surrounding her firstborn, confusedly smiling as they see Jesus, motion toward the crowd, designating them as his family.  Jesus smiles as he calls them “brothers and sisters”, watching their eyes light up with hope.  And, Love smiles.

The Centurion, in charge of the whole bloody affair, smiles knowingly, but awkwardly aware “… surely, this is the Son of God!”  And the slain Savior, the crucified Christ, mercifully smiles, petitioning, “…Father, forgive them …”   And, Love smiles.

Three times he denied Him; and, now Simon Peter embarrassingly smiles as He thrice asks, “… do you love me?”  And Jesus reassuringly smiles as thrice he directs, “… feed my sheep…”  And, Love smiles.

Daily, my struggles and desires wage warfare within me.  Upward I look, nervously smiling to see the smiling Face above.  He’s brought me so far; surely, He’s not done with me now? Not yet?  “…while yet a sinner, Christ died for me …”  comes to mind!  “Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face…”  echoes in my mind!  And, Love smiles!

Somewhere, and yet everywhere, at a moment and yet always and forever, Love smiles at the angels, watching in confusion, and announces plans for a new race of loved ones.  Yet, the Word of God smiles, with resolve and affirmation, knowing the price one day to be paid, the cost of love, asking, “… will they ever get it…?”  And, Love smiles.

Shall I play for you
Pa rum pum pum pum
Pa rum pum pum
Pum pum pum pum
Mary nodded
Pa rum pum pum pum
The ox and lamb kept time
Pa rum pum pum pum
I played my drum for him
Pa rum pum pum pum
I played my best for him
Pa rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum
Then he smiled at me
Pa rum pum pum pum
Me and my drum