Monday, February 11, 2019



Awaking this morning from sweet, pleasant dreams,
I have made it through another night, it seems.
Then, to myself, “get up; get going; just make it to the nearest coffee pot”
“get dressed; stay awake, you can make it, to the mill parking lot…”

Then, sitting there, I faintly remember “… can I just make it from the couch to the coffee table”
A sixty year old memory? Or grandchild scene remembered? I cannot tell; I’m not able!
“can you just make it to the bathroom?” say the body aches to my head.
And, the answer is given, “I’d rather just roll over, and go back to bed!”

The “old man” in the crew, given little to do.
My short-term goal? The day, to make it through.
With age, they say, the years begin to fly.
That work clock needs a battery! Or that’s all a lie?!

Today, our crew is replacing the 1-C Gauld Screen.
“hang on, put out, work together; the end can be seen!”
“you can make it to the end of THIS job; hope nothing else tears up”
“get your lock; wash your hands; find a coffee pot for a fresh cup!”

Many have a mid-life crisis – “can I make out as I could before?”
Maybe this is an end-life crisis – “can I make it to Heaven’s golden door?”
So many are the “can-I-make-its” I ponder and soberly realize.
Sitting in the control room, sipping coffee, I now muse and itemize:

Can I make it?  as my shoe laces I try in vain to tie?
Can I make it?  after Dad waves and turns loose of my bike?
Can I make it? slipping a valentine in her mailbox hopefully unseen?!
Can I make it?  out of school? When will I graduate?
Can I make it? with her? Will she say “yes”?!
Can I make it? to work on time? Cannot be late!
Can I make it? will the kids ever get grown?
Can I make it? will this mortgage ever be gone?
Can I make it?  when will be the last chemo treatment?
Can I make it?  sixty-plus years together, and now I am alone?!
Can I make it?  give it all you’ve got until the fourth quarter ends!

Whispers I hear!  The angels Him quote…
“I will never leave you”  “I will never forsake…”
“He disciplines those He loves…”
“only slight, momentary affliction…”
“being changed from one degree of glory to the next…”
“eye has not seen, nor ear has heart” what is ahead!
“I have gone to prepare a place for you…”

Making it?  With Him, I will!