Wednesday, May 24, 2023


 Greater love has no man - Librescu

sacrificial love

04/16/07 - Our prayers and heartfelt sympathy are with the VT people.

If you were lucky enough to have a choice, there were only two ways to go Monday morning on the campus of Virginia Tech: away from danger or toward it. Seventy-six-year-old engineering professor Liviu Librescu chose the second option, saved a classroom full of students and became a hero at the cost of his life. ... With bursts of gunfire rattling through the second floor of Norris Hall, Librescu closed his classroom door, giving his students time to escape through the windows ... As they fled, Librescu held the door shut with his body while the gunman ...tried to force his way inside. ...Moments after the last student leapt to safety, [the gunman] apparently forced the door open and shot Librescu to death.

Xns know Jesus' words, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Jn.15:13 Librescu lived these words, rather died these words. I want a heart like that! I am tired of the madness and murder. The terrorists are so mixed-up. And, we all need to put down our swords, or we will die by our swords.

And, with our mouths, we inflict so much damage. I am sorry for every pugilistic word that ever came out of my mouth. Let only what is wholesome and uplifting cross my lips. That which creates love, faith, and hope, is my desired vocabulary.

Rom.5:6You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Thank God for his patience with us.

God help us.

Pray for the VT people.

This is what the VT website says about him:

(it tells what he did, but not really what he was; his sacrifice tells that)

Liviu Librescu


Foundation and applications of the modern theory of shells incorporating non-classical effects and composed of advanced composite materials; Foundation of the theory and applications of sandwich type structures; Aeroelastic stability of flight vehicle structures;. Nonlinear aeroelasticity of structures in supersonic and hypersonic flow fields; Aeroelastic and structural tailoring; Dynamic response and instability of elastic and viscoelastic laminated composite structures subjected to deterministic and random loading systems; Mechanical and thermal postbuckling of flat and curved shear-deformable elastic panels; Static, dynamic and aeroelastic feedback control of adaptive structures; Unsteady aerodynamics and magnetoaerodynamics of supersonic flows with applications; Optimization problems of aeroelastic structural systems; Theory of composite thin-walled beams and its application in aeronautical and mechanical constructions; Response and behavior of structures to underwater and in-air explosions; Multifunctional and Functionally Graded material structures.

Ph.D., Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Academy of Science of Romania, 1969
M. A. Sc., Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering, Bucharest, 1953
B.S., Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania, Aeronautical Engineer, 1952

Honors and Awards:

2007Invited Key Note Lecture at the 17th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, June 4-7, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, “Joule Heating and its Implications on Crack Detection/Arrest in Electrically Conductive Circular Cylindrical Shells”.( Z. Qin, L. Librescu and D. Hasanyan)
2006Awarded a diploma by the 17th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technology for the paper “Robust Aeroelastic Control of Composite Aircraft Wings in Incompressible Flow” by Yoon, G. C., Na, S. S., Librescu, L., and Baek, S. C., Taiwan, ICAST 2006, October 13-17.
2005Appointed Chair of the International Organizing Committee of the 6th International Congress on Thermal Stresses '05 May 26-29, 2005, Vienna, Austria
2005Invited Plenary Lecture at the 6th International Congress of Thermal Stresses '05 May 26-29, 2005, Vienna, Austria "Thin-Walled Beams Used in Turbomachinery and Space Applications Made-Up of Functionally Graded Materials and Operating in a High Temperature Environment: Vibration and Instability" by L. Librescu, S-Y Oh and O. Song
2005Selected as a member of the Board of Experts of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research
2005Awarded a diploma by the International Congress on Thermal Stresses, Vienna, Austria, May-June, 2005, ``In recognition for the achievements in the field of Thermal Stresses, for organizing the Fifth International Congress of Thermal Stresses, and for the contributions to the Journal of Thermal Stresses, as an author and as a member of the Editorial Board.''
2005Awarded a diploma by the ASME, 20th Biennal Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Long Beach, CA, September 24-28, 2005 expressing the deep appreciation for the valuable services in advancing the engineering profession.''
2005Frank J. Maher Award for Excellence in Engineering Education
2004Plenary Key Note Lecture to the Third European Conference on Structural Control July 12-15. 2004, Vienna, Austria “Advances in the Linear/nonlinear Control of Aeroelastic Structural Systems” by L. Librescu and P. Marzocca
2003Member of the Executive Committee of the International Congress of Thermal Stresses, (1999-2003) and re-appointed for (2003-2007)
2003General Chair of the 5th International Congress of Thermal Stresses and Related Topics, June 8-11, 2003, Blacksburg, VA
2000Recipient of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania
2000Elected member of the Academy of Sciences of the Shipbuilding of Ukraine
1999Recipient of The 1999 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, College of Engineering VPI&SU
1999Elected Foreign Fellow of the Academy of Engineering of Armenia
1998Invited Plenary Lecture at the Session dedicated to the great Italian Scientist Professor Placido Cicala, Torino, June 25, 1998, Italia “Aeroelastic Tailoring of Advanced Aircraft Wings Carrying External Stores”, with Dr. F. H. Gern
1988Plenary Key Note Lecture to the Second International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, June 9-11, 1998 Durban, South Africa” Recent Developments in the Modelling and Behavior of Advanced Sandwich Constructions”
1972Laureate of the prize “Traian Vuia” of the Romanian Academy of Science

Professional Service:

Listing in Who's Who
  • Who's Who in America
  • Who's Who in Engineering
  • Who's Who in the World
  • Who's Who in Science and Engineering
Member of the Editorial Board of
  • 2007 - Journal of Sound and Vibration
  • 2004 - International Journal of Advanced Materials and Structures
  • 2003 - Journal Mathematical Methods and Physic-Mechanical Fields
  • 1999 - Journal Thin-Walled Structures
  • 1998 - Journal of Thermal Stresses
  • 1997 - International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
  • 1975 - Solid Mechanics Archives
Guest Editor for the Special Issues of the Journals
  • 2006 - Journal of Mathematical Engineering (issues devoted to Thermomechanical Problems)
  • 2004 - International of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 11, Nos. 4-5, Part I & II
  • 2001 - Composite Structures, Vol. 52, 1, 2001
  • 2001 - Thin-Walled Structures, Special Issue - New Advances in the Modelling and Application of Smart Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 39, 1, 2001
  • 2000 - Composites Engineering, Part B, Vol. 32, 3, 2000
Chair of the International Organizing Committee of
  • 2005 - 6th International Congress on Thermal Stresses '05, May 26-29, Vienna, Austria
Co-Chair of the International Organizing Committee of
  • 2007 - 7th International Congress on Thermal Stresses June 4-7, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2005 - Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, October 26-28, Nanjing, China
Member of the International Advisory Board of
  • 2007 - Second International Symposium on Design Modelling and Experiments of Adaptive Structures and Smart Systems, DEMEASS II, October 14-17, Bad Herrenalb, Germany
  • 2007 - Organizing Committee of the 70th Birthday of Jozef Ignaczak Symposium at the 7th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, Juen 4-7, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2006 - 2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and simulation (ICCM-06), December 8-10, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati,-781039, India
  • 2006 - 1st International Symposium on Design Modelling and Experiments of Adaptive Structures and Smart Systems, DeMEASS I, June 10-12, Bardonecchia (Turin), Italy
  • 2004 - 1st International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Kanpur, December 9-12, India
  • 2004 - 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, July 5-7, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 2003 - 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Materials (ICAMM 2003), January 21-23, Durban, South Africa
  • 1998 - 2nd Interntional Conference on Composite Science and Technology, June 9-11, Durban, South Africa
  • 1996 - 1st International Conference, Composite Science Technology, June 18-20, Durham, South Africa
Member of the International Organizing Committee of
  • 2005 - 6th International Congress of Thermal Stresses, May 26-29, Wien, Austria
  • 2001 - 4th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, June 8-11, Osaka, Japan
  • 1999 - 3rd International Congress on Thermal Stresses, June 13-17, Cracow, Poland
  • 1982 thru 1985 - Israel National Conference on Aviation and Astronautics

Recent Publications:

  1. G. Polli, L. Librescu and F. Mastroddi, Aeroelastic Response of Composite Aircraft Swept Wings Impacted by a Laser BeamAIAA, Vol. 33, No, 2, pp. 382-391, 2006
  2. Na, S. S., Librescu, L., Rim, S. N. and Yoon, G. C., Vibration and Dynamic Response Control of Non-Unifom Composite Rotating BladesInternational Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2006, ID 13807, pp. 1-9, 2006
  3. Librescu, L., Oh, S-Y. and Hohe, J., Dynamic Response of Anisotropic Sandwich Flat Panels to Underwater and In-Air ExplosionsInternational Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 43, No. 13, pp. 3794-3816, June, 2006
  4. Hause, T. and Librescu, L., Flexural Free Vibration of Sandwich Flat Panels with Laminated Anisotropic Face SheetsJournal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 297, Nos. 3-5, pp. 823-841, 2006
  5. Librescu, L. and Song, O., Composite Thin-Walled Beams: Theory and Application, Springer, 615, 2005

Full listing

Courses taught:
ESM 3154, Solid Mechanics, Spring 2007.
ESM 5074, Mech Lam Comp Str, Spring 2007.
ESM 5994, Research and Thesis, Spring 2007.
ESM 7994, Research and Dissertation, Spring 2007.
ESM 6044, Theory of Plates and Shells, Fall 2006.
ESM 6044, Theory of Plates and Shells, Fall 2005.
ESM 2304, Dynamics, Spring 2005.
ESM 5074, Mech Lam Comp Str, Spring 2005.
ESM 6044, Theory of Plates and Shells, Fall 2004.
ESM 2304, Dynamics, Spring 2004.
ESM 6044, Theory of Plates and Shells, Fall 2003.

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