Saturday, December 7, 2013

OSCODA - Steve Davis

Steve Davis  (a tribute and eulogy)

I just sent a FB message to some close friends – “sad news. today Lynn Davis called and told us that Steve had been killed, instantly, in a car wreck. this happened 09/29/13, a couple of months ago. in her pain and shock, she did not know we were unaware. but, now, she realized we must have not known, since none of the FHC/HGSR group have contacted her. their daughter, Katy, was injured, but survived. Lynn was not with them, thank the Lord. contact information: …”  ( )

I am in shock.  Writing helps me organize and stabilize and internalize.  Steve was a good friend.  There were four of us, at FHC, that started our own international fraternity, the AIFAM.  (that’s “mafia” spelled backwards, for you slow ones!  We were gangsters for God.)  Jerry, Mark, Brent, and Steve were the charter members (and ONLY members!)  Practical jokes were our MO.  We made the dean’s list (not the academic one; but, his top-ten list – though nothing could be proven, he moved us to the first floor in our dorm to watch us better.)  We had a wannabee, Dexter, whom we put through days of torture for initiation into this elite group.  He did not know that the initiation ended one day after he gave up.  It was the four of us that heaved the water-balloon into the open window of a parked car of a fellow student “talking” to his sweetheart!  Fun days.

We all moved on to grad school, and then into church work – different paths with different twists and turns.  Steve ended up in Miami, teaching in a Christian high school.  There, he was well-liked, and well-remembered.  This is the local NBC tribute --!/on-air/as-seen-on/Church-Officials-Remember-Man-Killed-in-Crash/225773601.  This is a part of his life that I have not known nearly as well as I would have liked.  Sadly, years and miles have a way of separating us.  (Steve was a writer, also, and I hope to track down some of his blog entries! -- )

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)  These words of David, the psalmist, come to mind.  We are not promised even “threescore and ten”.  I awoke, sat on the edge of my bed, and asked God to keep me close to him today (a daily habit).  It was not too much later that the phone rang.  Today’s lesson is what?  “Make every day count; it may be your last” or, “Stay in touch with your friends; the clock is ticking” or, “God is in control, even when the world is out-of-control”??  Lynn shared the details of the accident, and I reviewed the media.  God is good, even in the midst of great evil.  Lynn shared her perspective on her being home sick that day.

Steve was a gentle, kind soul.  I was a bit rowdier.   Steve was my friend, even after I once slugged him for fouling me in a pick-up basketball game!  (Everybody took his side, and I apologized; never another word about came from Steve)  He was a bit “different” even “weird”!   (I love the etymology of “weird”)  He read Tolkien and Lewis and … while we were more concerned about sports and other trivia.  In grad school, some assembled to play D&D and some gathered on the lawn to play “touch” football.  Steve and I were not in the same group.  While I was locking horns with some west-coast preppie over how hard I touched him (sorry he smeared the ground!), Steve and others were fellowshipping in a fantasy world.  I tried D&D with them, once – “different strokes…”  But, we had this in common – Steve loved God and people.  He spent his life trying to show this.

Steve was left-brain, artsy fellow.  He painted and wrote.  Once we took, together, an art class at FHC.  It was an elective for me, but a dream for him.  We had a project, “50-hours” level of involvement.  Steve made this wonderful oil painting, spending hours toiling over the detail.  I went to the library, scanned magazines, found a picture that I liked, got the opaque projector, traced the picture on poster board, and wrote on the back – “1 hour choosing subject; 1 hour tracing; 48 hours admiring”.  Now, this was a one-hour elective, crip class.  The unfair thing was that I got an A on the project!  Steve was insulted.  It was funny, to me.  But, he was my friend; and this soon faded away.  I just smile remembering those fun days.

Steve was a man of conviction.  He gave his heart and hands to what he believed in.  He persevered.  He lived his mind.  At FHC, we several times had to chastise Steve about his dress.  He refused to wear socks to church.  Agh!  He finally explained to us that he detested the preppie, fashionista shallowness of too many of our classmates; and this was his silent protest!  That was Steve.  He was thinking.  He was protesting.  He was right.  

Steve had a couple of nicknames:  Oscoda, and Oops.  Steve was an Air Force brat.  He had lived in Guam, … but Oscoda, MI was home.  So, that name stuck.  His other name, not known to all, was “Oops”!  This stemmed from a visit to a backwoods, rural church revival “gospel meeting”  When several of us Freedies got there, Steve wanted to know what the small storage shed was for, out behind the church.  “It’s an outhouse…” I informed him.  “No…” he declared, defiantly, as he walked toward it to look inside.  “you better knock…” I yelled, as he reached to snatch open the door.  A poor, little girl scrambled to cover her dignity, as Steve quickly shut the door, and apologized, “oops!”  Now you know the rest of the story!  It was a long church service with two glaring eyes burning a hole in the back of his head.  

I met a girl, Melanie, my 3rd year.  Mark married his hi-school sweetheart.  Brent met a FHC co-ed.  But, Steve somehow got entangled with a girl from “David Liberal”.  Her name was Lynn.  Lynn and Melanie became close friends during our Memphis years.  Monday night was there “little house on the prairie” date.  (I was working at UPS in the evenings)  Sweet, sweet Lynn.  Your call today saddens me.  And, it gladdens me.  Your spirit, your heart, your joy, your faith…  We love you.  Melanie called, on a heavenly urge, three months ago, and talked to Steve.  They could not talk long --  Steve and Katie were headed out to some event.  Now I understand why you did not call back, right away.  We did not know of your pain.  

Steve, soon enough, we will sit laughing, sharing a cup of coffee in the heavenly realm.  Save a seat for Mark and Brent, and Gallenbeck, too.  The AIFAM will be reconvened.

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