Thursday, December 26, 2013


A GLORIOUS GLIMPSE …              

                This time of the year, Christmas, when believers celebrate the first advent, the coming of the Christ child, one can almost see another world.  The carol, “…do you see what I see …” fills radio waves and echoes in one’s mind.  There is a heavenly hint, a glorious glimpse of an unseen realm of peace, love, hope, faith … the world He intended for us in the first place.

                In this dark world, The star of Bethlehem still twinkles the hope of a better world.  Like the shepherds, do we hear the angels’ heralding?  Like the wise men, the magi, do we follow the light of the star in the East?!  Do we run to the manger to behold Him?  Do we follow whatever light we can see?  Sadly, we cannot always see it, hear it, seemingly.  When we do, we best get up and follow!

                I suppose all of us, as followers of the Christ, experience mountain tops and also valleys, heights and depths, highs and lows; sometimes, even dark caverns.  But, rarely, far too seldom, we soar to the heights and catch a gleam of glory bright.  Those hallelujah moments, to me, are rare and precious.  Maybe this is because more would blind one’s eyes or melt one’s wings?!  But, with blinded eyes we can truly see and clipped wings keep us home.

                To attempt to reduce this to pen and paper is futile, IMHO.  It cannot be captured, seemingly.  It can only be enjoyed, like a sunset, too soon darkened.  So, I suppose, I will just hum to myself, “O, holy night …”  and wait, expectantly,  for the indiscernible insights.  Merry Christmas.

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