Sunday, February 2, 2020


What a lonely man he surely must be.
That could have, just as well, been me?!
His grandkids on Facebook pictures I see.
But, if it is really him, where is she?!

Her picture, there she is; it's surely them, then!
but, then, captioned, "Happy Birthday, in heaven ..."
In this life, he will never hold her again.
Invading my soul, "such for me? Never! maybe? when?!"

This FB thing suggests possible friends, a long list?!
Some forgotten, some not even missed.
Life has moved on with many a twist.
Life, but vapor; too soon gone, a morning mist.

Enjoy the friends that He gives, while you can!
Too soon it washes away, footprints in the sand.
What is it all about? But dust is man?!
He writes our story with His own hand.

So, take the time to enjoy, deeply, the best.
Shove aside the wrong , and all the rest.
The clock is ticking on this earthly test.
Give thanks for much; He has surely blessed!

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