Saturday, September 23, 2017


I live in my own little cosmos.  I cannot control what you throw into the common living area.  I think it is nasty, trashy, and irresponsible; but, I cannot keep the whole world clean.

I will concentrate own my own little piece of real estate.  I use a garbage can, into which I dump my garbage bag in my car.  Novel idea?!  We even have multiple garbage cans in our house, into which we place nastiness and nonsense.  These are emptied into the wheeled garbage can outside that goes to the curb weekly.  Where this stuff goes is a little beyond me?! 

While taking the can to the curb, weekly, I often have to pick up your garbage.  We must be just the right distance from McD’s and other drive-thru’s where you get your groceries.  You finish your feast and then toss out the rest, right onto my road frontage.  If I do not pick it up, then I look as nasty as you?!  And, the State will shred it when they bushhog the ROW, making a worse mess!

To be fair, I have tossed out a few banana peels and apple cores.   I figure I am helping God feed the wildlife!  I may have even tossed out a used tissue, rationalizing that it is “bio-degradable” or some such sort of thing.  Thank God that I am not like these other trashy folks, though!  Beer cans and bottles.  Fast-food boxes and bags.  Used diapers and …

Society has passed laws against you.  I suppose Libertarians and Progressives are OK with these trash laws, even though they will fight any other restriction of your trashiness.  You have the “right” to live any-way and any-how you choose; that is the American way?!  So, who am I really to say that your carelessness and disregard for others is not permissible?  It is no different than your right to sexual deviancy and baby-killing?  Really?  Maybe, whatever can be, should be?  No restrictions is what freedom is all about?!

I thought that Europe was way ahead of traditional, puritanical USA, but, on vacation, I saw a warning on a sidewalk over there about, of all things, can you believe it, spitting your gum on the sidewalk?!  There was a hefty fine?  Really?  You can “spit” and “sputter” about most anything you want to, in the good ol’ USA.  Marijuana is even legal now!  So, kill those babies!  Marry those queers.  “Don’t Tread On Me” is our motto! 

Some people do have a problem with your dog leaving behind souvenirs, though.  It is so difficult to be consistent.  Maybe we should lighten up on the litterbugs?

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