Friday, August 26, 2016



Why do we torture ourselves with AQ’s and WI’s (answerless questions and what-ifs)?!  And, then there are also PA’s (pat-answers – [why do they call them “pat” answers?]) that are applied, as some sort of “dollar store salves” on some egregious “cancer”, hoping to find relief from the pain!

Life, in this messed-up world, is far from perfect?!  Sand has been kicked into the gears and His precision machine lurches and grinds along, for now.  When there is a bump, or a thud, or even a Wheel that comes off, we ask, even implore, “WHY?!”  We want answers.  Life needs to make sense.  We find ourselves off-balance, stumbling around, in the dark.  “… why did she leave me …?”  “…shy did my baby have to die …?!”  “… I thought that I would retire from that job; why did my job go away …?”  on and on …

Next (or, maybe first for tender hearts) we begin to wonder what we did wrong!  “… was there some sin?   … that is why I am being punished?!”  “ … if only I had (done something else) …?!”  “… if I had gone straight rather than turning …?!”  “… if only I had prayed more, more seriously, more often …”  what if … what if …

God above must have a tear tracing down his cheek.  To the patriarch, Job, came “friends” whom the Lord eventually muted with the accusing “…“Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?”  (Job 38:2)  People mean well, I guess;  but, an open ear and shut mouth are often the best medicine for what ails another.  “… God has a plan …”  “… time heals all …”  -- Agh!  The Snake comes to kill, still, and destroy!  The Lamb of God came to give us life!  Abundant life!  There are hard theological questions, maybe some with no answers, at least not easy answers.   

Ironically, as I sit here writing this, little Hannah mumbles, “… why did the baby have to die?”  I do not know.   She is knee deep in an I-Pad game, but her five year old heart asks a fathomless question.  Now she is giggling as she watches her brother play another video game.  “… we will get through this …” (with Heaven’s help)

“God help us.”

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