Monday, June 6, 2016



“… he was justa prazing the Lawd!” 

Prayerfully, I was walking into work early Monday morning, striving to be positive.  I noted a mockingbird “singing his head off” as I approached the guard station.  I remarked to the guards about the songster; and, Wanda added that the bird sang all night, sometimes.  Then, Esther, an older, black sister prophesied that “…he was justa prazing the Lawd! – if we don’t, then even the stones will!”

After complimenting Esther on her insight, I walked on in to the pulp mill, smiling and thanking the Lord for “showing up!  Then I mused, “…out of the mouth of babes …”  Oh, this made my day!  And, I shall never look at a mockingbird the same again!

“… let everything that has breath praise the LORD!” (Ps.150:6)

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