Friday, June 10, 2016



No dove through the window, sitting on the line?

A sign from heaven that all would be just fine!

Affirmation?  Confirmation?  Why won’t you say?

Some direction, some guidance, show me the way!


Why are you mute?  Why are you so quiet?

I wait in the dark, for a flicker of light!

Whatever you say, wherever you send –

I’d quickly arise, and surely “amen!”


With mixed counsel and conflicting advice,

Is my uncertainty and fear so much a vice?

“wait on the Lord” and “wait seven days”

Are precepts from above that I will obey.


Casting nets from a boat, in which you did sleep,

I, empty, float along, pondering the deep.

“fishers of men”?  I remember what You said!

Loyalty we all pledged; then I cursed and I fled?!


Oh, for a chance to do it all again!

To walk and to talk, the way it was then.

But how can it be?  I’ve looked back from the plow.

“unworthy” He said!  He’s through with me now?!


The Cross says He loves me!  The empty grave says even more?!

Restarts?  Second-chances?  Life He has and will restore?!

Not sure, I will just fall back and “do what I know”?

What else can I do?  I just do not know where to go.


Hey look!  Who is that calling over there on the shore?

That voice?  I know it!  We’ve all heard it before!

The fish, y’all can keep;  I’m jumping in for the swim!

He’s back!  He’s calling!  Never again will I leave Him!


Three times I denied Him;  Three times “do you love me?”

I do not deserve this; and , not sure how it could be.

Forgiven,  reinstated, “fish for men” and “feed my sheep”!

Simon Peter is the sign, that even losers, He will keep!


So, here I live with questions still floating in my head.

But, this I know, Jesus is alive!  He’s risen from the dead!


Rom.5  “while we were yet sinners … how much more, now …”

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