Tuesday, May 31, 2016



We all have fears.  I am not afraid of spiders, snakes, heights …  I remember Heather’s answer, teen class 1990’s “your greatest fear?”  “being alone.”  More recently, I heard a surprising answer – H’s answer (2016) – “I never knew you …”  and then, B’s answer (2016) – “losing my children…”

The following are items on my list as I make a life-changing decision about retiring early to work with a small church:

1.     Afraid cannot do the job.
2.     Afraid church will die.
3.     Afraid will get discouraged.
4.     Afraid they will not like me.
5.     Afraid they will reject message.
6.     Afraid of writer’s block – flurries and famine.
7.     Afraid will succeed and meet opposition.
8.     Afraid of change.
9.     Afraid of loss of security and stability.
10.  Afraid whether it is self-seeking or self-crucifying.
11.  Afraid of racial turmoil. Cf. RDC
12.  Afraid of gov’t singling out?!
13.  Afraid of not giving it my all.
14.  Afraid of losing refound fire.
15.  Afraid of smothering refound fire.
16.  Afraid of floating rather than diving deeper.
17.  Afraid of rusting out.
18.  Afraid of hotline disconnect – fresh contact with God.
19.  Afraid of stress?!
20.  Afraid not setting good example of seriously seeking God.
21.  Afraid of damaging Melanie/marriage.
22.  Afraid honeymoon ending. (7-year itch; 2-3 year tenures)
23.  Afraid that I won election, with no agenda. (HS/SGA Pres.)
24.  Afraid of burned bridges.  (IP)
25.  Afraid of burned boats.
26.  Afraid to give up tent-maker independence.
27.  Afraid to limit retirement ministry options.
28.  Afraid of it being strength of personality vs. Spirit strength.
29.  Afraid of where God would take us?!  (Abraham; Mt.28 “with you always”)
30.  Afraid of not WWJD – following Jesus; other paths end badly!

In Aberdeen, we drove into haunted house driveway – “what are you doing?”  “must face fears head on! Ha!”

To Joshua “be not afraid”

“not given a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power …”

Need Ragnar-like gusto

Caleb “give me the hill country; Anakim there …”

We need a fearlessness in the face of death, beyond any Valhalla/70-virgin death cult!

“for the joy set before him, went to the cross…”

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