Sunday, September 7, 2014



As known by Your shepherd psalmist, David, You are ever near.
He wrote of your leading us in pastures green, beside waters still.
But also through the valley of death’s shadow we go with no fear;
In valleys below, on peaks above, we ever trust in your good will.

The waves may bring us panic; but your voice restores our peace.
Life often drives us to despair; but, in the morning you bring us joy.
Out of the dark, brooding chaos, Your Spirit breathes out new calm.
Confusion created, the fallout of the Fall; but, in You we find confidence.

Loneliness as isolating as darkest fog, is lifted when we feel your communion.
Dispersed abroad like windblown spray, with You we find focused absorption.
From dark, forgotten, hidden seclusion, with You I revel in cosmic inclusion!
Once I felt so very far distant; but, with You comes being especially intimate.

Within, my heart struggles with regret; but, in your knowing smile is relief.
There often is crushing remorse; but, from your tender touch, comes renewal.
Shame pursues with blood in his eyes; but, to you I run and find sanctuary.
Guilt would crush my spirit too often; but, glory, hallelujah, you offer forgiveness.

The injustice and inequity make me weary; but looking above, I am refreshed.
The darkness would render me hopeless; but, your Light shines in and I am cheerful.

No more rebellion from my struggling heart; but I take the cup and quaff submission.
The anger that pride has spawned, will shrink and be gone, washed away by serenity.
Apathy will die its overdue and deserved death; I will soar above on pinions of love.

You are there; and, I know that You care; even before my enemies, I will surely sup.
Anointed, I see the banquet table is set, and the plates sit full, by overflowing cups.
At journey’s end, by your goodness and mercy in your house I will forever be.
So, come what may, whether good or ill, in You, best is worked out of all for me.

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