Sunday, September 21, 2014



                “Is that when they brought out the snakes…?” was asked at that point!  (do you remember the Wendy Bagwell [not Jerry Clower] story about the snake-handling church?!)  I was retelling my story, to work buddies, of our recent vacation to the Smokies.  These musings are not really about snakes, except maybe the ones in our heads!

                We were meeting family in the Smokies, for a wedding.  I planned a church visit along the route since we were traveling on Sunday.  I carefully planned our necessary ETD from my starting point, and ETA at church site, with Google maps and a survey of church websites data.  (sounds so careful and logical?!)  If we left at 0830 we could be at the chosen church before their 1100 start time.  Perfect!  As we drove into Chattanooga, I saw it – “Entering Eastern Time Zone”!  Agh!  (recollect “lean not on your own understanding, but trust in the Lord…”?) 

                “Melanie, get on the navigator; we’re going to plan-B; we just lost an hour!”  So, my wife took the navigator, typed in “church …” and then several options showed up.  I should have taken more seriously the lack of a phone number with the specs for the chosen church!  You really never know what you are going to get with “pot-luck” church!  I have tried several approaches, on vacation, for church selection – internet research, first-come-stop, nearest to campsite… none are fool-proof.  And you cannot trust the signs out front!  It can be like a grab-bag gift – God only knows what is inside!

                Once, we listened to a sister wail for over sixty minutes, anointed or possessed, or something.  Never really heard a word of the preacher’s sermon.  Another time, they insisted that we stay for refreshments before journeying on down the road.  We went to the home of a couple there, and they brought out a box of (no, not snakes!) sample bottles, you know, the kind at a drugstore so you can sample a cologne or perfume before you buy it!  (he was a pharmacist)  I picked out a bottle of English Leather, and Melanie chose Eau de Something! 

Once, at a family reunion, we watched as the church began a communion service. (they do not call this “Eucharist” in the hills) These believers take the Bible very seriously and very literally.  The verse says, “… and He took the cup …” (Mt.26:27)  They emphasize the SINGULAR and are called “one-cuppers” [I prefer Luke 22:17 “divide it among yourselves…”]  The (homemade) “loaf” came by.  But, you did not “break bread” because it was an unleavened, under-cooked disc of playdough!  I stretched off a piece and began to chew the gumball!  While I am still chewing, THE “Cup” (a flower vase?!) begain its arduous, long journey down each pew, row by row.  Yep.  We were in the back, on the second aisle of pews.  Still chewing on my gumball, I whispered (as reverently as possible) to Melanie, “… the volume is not going down?!  backwash?”  She answered, “I love Jesus; but, I am NOT doing that…”

                How do good folks, sincere believers, get to such positions?  It might be snakes;  or, it might be one-cuppers.  or, Mary veneration.  or, tongue-speaking. (not to be confused with languages) or, OSAS.  or, the Sabbath.  Or, KJV-only.  Or, …   Their “snakes” define and distinguish them.  And, you are a heretic or a “half-gospel” or a “whore of Babylon” or a “Bible-thumper” … if you do not understand, agree and do the same.  “IT” varies from group to group.  (kind of like the movie?! “IT”)  But, most have an “IT”.  And, like the horror movie, it is different for different folks.

                Here’s where the rub comes, the problem, the ungodliness.  When push comes to shove, THEY will marginalize, ridicule, shun, dis-fellowship, discipline, re-educate, even kill, THEM.  I speak from experience.  I have been fired, “put in a side room”, run off, ignored, …  I have no anger; maybe some hurt feelings.  Life-long friends have put me in the “uh-huh” category.  Even my  own mother is not sure what to do with me.

                My childhood fellowship (church) had several “IT’s” or “snakes”.  For one thing, snake-handling was taboo! (would have to agree on that one!)  Of course, they also were against pianos and …  It was more difficult to detect the FOR’s than the IT’s?!  Now that I am older, I find myself worshipping Jesus with OTHER’s.  I quietly listen for their “IT’s”  I have grown to understand that if you kill their pet snake, “woe unto you!”  I do begin to believe that THE Snake is behind our “snakes”?!  He loves our “contending” for IT.

                What did Jesus say?  “… by this, all men will know that you are my disciples…”  (Jn.11:35)  What was His sine qua non?  His indispensable, defining, designating, differentiating, delineating, distinguishing demarcation?  I fear we have failed, miserably, in this crucial matter?!  God have mercy on us; we do not know what we are doing!  Jesus looked at one seeker and commented, “… you are not far from the kingdom…” amazed at his answer!  (Mk.12:34)  But, how do we answer?  I want to be “not far from the kingdom”!  I want to be in the CENTER of the kingdom.  Having studied systematic theology, I have ruts and routes that meander in my head.  ST wants to order and systematize.  Maybe that is helpful. But, looking at Jesus, I see compassion and charity and caring and the Cross.  As far as ST goes, the starting point is not “King”, but rather, “Father” – it is NOT sovereignty, but rather love. (imho)  Starting in the wrong place leads to some dry corners.  John, “the disciple whom He loved…”, gave this starting point – “He who does not love does not know God; for God is love.”! (1Jn.4:8)

                So, what do we do?!  Kill snakes?  “…those that live by the sword, die by the sword…” might fit here?  We do not need another Inquisition.  Let’s leave the snake-head crushing to Jesus.  Do we lift up Nehushtan?!  Even that led to idolatry.  (Hezekiah had to break up that!)  But, Jesus did say, “…if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto myself…”!  Yes, we can repeat the mistake of the Corinthians’ “… I am of Christ” party.  But, Jesus is the way, the truth, the life!

There was an earlier “IT” movie, a silent romantic comedy,  about a shop-girl, Betty, who had “it, and the boss is smitten and enamored.    I have never seen this movie; but, I can tell you, Jesus has “it”!  I will try to lift up Jesus, instead of snakes.

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