Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our Heavenly "Mother"?!

Our Heavenly “Mother”?!

But we behaved gently when we were among you, like a devoted mother nursing and cherishing her own children.  So, being thus tenderly and affectionately desirous of you, we continued to share with you not only God’s good news (the Gospel) but also our own lives as well, for you had become so very dear to us.
  (1Thess.2 - Amplified)

Paul admonishes us, “be imitators of me, even as I am of Christ”.  (1Cor.11:1 NASV)  And, Jesus says, “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father”. (Jn.14:9)  So! Paul > Jesus > the Father!  (interesting theological gymnastics, but bear with me!)

In Paul’s Christian demeanor, we can see a clear picture of God.  There are at least seven, maybe ten, attributes of a mother, well worth study and application. (read this text in different translations!)

     1.       “gently”                      6.       “desirous”
     2.       “nursing”                    7.       “sharing”
     3.       “cherishing”               8.       “selfless”
     4.       “tender”                     9.       “sacrificial”
     5.       “affectionate”          10.      “endeared”

There are many pictures of God, in Scripture – shepherd, savior, rock, … but, today, let’s consider “mother”!  Indeed, “father” can be a tender term with many connotations.  “Abba” is akin to our English “daddy” with all its sentiment and emotion.  But, consider, for today, “Our Heavenly Mother”?!

Do you picture the God of Heaven, “gently” picking you up when you have foolishly followed your own willful path to harm?  Can you imagine Jehovah God “nursing” you at her breast, “cherishing” you as she “tenderly” embraces her child?!  Dare to understand the “affection” and “desire” that can become fearsome emotions as her child encounters harm or danger!  The LORD “selflessly” “shares” the best with her child, while she takes the leftovers.  She would even “sacrifice” her very life for her child!!  This is all true, for, you are “dear” to her!

Tomorrow, She can be “Father” again!  He is our Rock and Shield!  He is our Tower and Deliverer!  But, the child can run to Her and be swept up into her soft embrace.  May God bless you.

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