Friday, May 18, 2012



                You have seen it – homeless people going through dumpsters.  I have seen PBS shows on third world countries that have whole people groups that make a living by scavenging through garbage dumps.  They are truly desperate.  The trash is their treasure.

                We throw it all away.  “… not used it in a year … likely never will …” was by dear dad’s motto.  This culminated in an annual bonfire!    Me?  I have been called a “hoarder”, “messy”, “obsessive-compulsive-possessive” …  My motto is more like this:  “… never know when you might need any of those bolts or pipe fittings or …” that I pick up at work off the floor and fill my pockets like some 5-yr-old kid.  “Besides, they’re SS – they’re valuable!”  (Actually, daddy had home-made bolt bins that were in his “estate” when he passed.  They were full of every, imaginable, pulp-mill, discarded hardware!  But, that was HIS stuff.  Funny how we toss other’s stuff more quickly?!  But, I kept his, much to my wife’s chagrin.)

                My godly grandson, Daniel, truly believes in recycling – candy and gum discarded by a diet-conscious mom.  While dialing 911, in desperation and panic created by Daniel going missing, his mother noticed two little feet underneath the coffee table, which was laughing and giggling; or, there was a missing child under it?!  He would not answer her distressed pleas because his mouth was full of “garbage” and he knew she did not value recycling as much as he did.  (Sarah does love thrift stores and yard sales, though.)

                Our Heavenly Father collects junk and discards and throw-aways.  There is another one who is only too quick to garbage-can any and all of it.  But, He keeps garbage picking!  God throws open the dumpster lid, carefully removing broken pottery and ruined refuse, smiling as He plans and envisions repair and recycling!  He mutters to himself, “This can still be …”

                Do you know how much God treasures you?!  He is like a kid secretly enjoying rescued candy.  You are the M&M’s!  He is like a housewife stopping at a yard sale.  You are the knick-knack that He just has to have.  He is like a hoarder picking up a discarded pipe elbow that has lots of possibilities.  You are that part waiting to be polished and put back into service.  And, yet, how much do we value trash and garbage?  God values each and every one of us!  He sees himself as a treasure hunter!  Maybe we should sing, “Recycle me, Lord …”?! (to the tune of “Revive Us Again”?!)

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