Tuesday, May 22, 2012



     1.       No other gods.
     2.       No idols.
     3.       No loose god-talk.
     4.       Sabbath, keep it.
     5.       Honor parents.
     6.       No killing.
     7.       No adultery.
     8.       No stealing.
     9.       No lying.
   10.       No coveting. (craving others’ stuff)

Forgive if this paraphrased summary is too banal or disrespectful for your tastes.  But, I think we need to begin a discussion about morality.  It seems to me that the un-churched “world”, and also, believers, as a whole, have both become way too lax.  (I am reluctant to begin this discussion because it is convicting, personally!)  FB friends post links to blogs that hold up for admiration churches that are “open and accepting”.  Even on a Christian forum, posts talk about 95% of people entering marriage sexually active.  “boys will sow their wild oats” was the old adage.  (Now, such a comment would just get “queer” looks!  but …)

I was reared in a fairly conservative family.  And, I was the watchdog even in that circle!  “no dancing, no mixed-bathing, no short-shorts, no skipping church, no …”  But, as I have gotten older, I have gotten a bit more lax.  I still ask the teens to wear shirts over their swimsuits when we have a pool party; but, we have entertained around our pool.  And money – I was taught to tithe and to be frugal.  The words “we must live simply, so that others may simply live” strike a chord in my heart.  I buy BASIC vehicles, and drive them until they drop.  But, I have spent a few thousand bucks on a camper.  Frivolous?  Maybe.  I bought it to travel with my wife when we retire, and save money on hotels!  Church attendance?  Once it was every time the doors were open.  Now – we too often skip pm’s.  And, I do not stay on top of my kids too hard about their patterns; though, I do have concerns, to one degree or another.  Every area covered by these Ten Rules could be a part of this discussion.  But, the point is not any one rule, but the honoring of rules.  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” is a point for discussion.

To be clear, I believe that the heart is the crucial concern.  And, I see legalism and judgmental-ism as two heinous sins!  And, I am not advocating some sort of “Amish asceticism”.  (Nor, am I anything but repulsed by some sort of "Episcopalian libertarianism".)  But, I have to ponder seriously if we are the main ingredient in a devil’s concoction of frog soup!  There was a time, not too long ago, when preachers spoke against theaters, short skirts, card-playing, rock music, …  Maybe they were too severe and strict.  But, it confuses me when I visit churches in coastal areas and folks show up in swimsuits?!  (but, I do like to play Rook and listen to Chicago, sometimes.)

And, I do quibble with Book.  How does rule #6 apply to war and capital punishment?  How does rule #2 apply to religious art?  How does rule #4 apply to us, this side of the Cross?  How do we violate #10?!

The mega-churches and emerging-church groups seem to be suggesting no guidelines.  They seem to promote consumerism and “prosperity” and “acceptance”.  The churches of yester-year (and, maybe, small, rural churches?) spoke of holiness and evangelism and sacrifice.  (Paul spoke of faith, hope, and love?!)  This is an over-simplification, but not too far off the mark, IMHO.  The world is lost without  Jesus, amen!  And, we seem to be losing a generation of young people.  Some bloggers promote slacking off and being relevant, whatever those things mean.  To me, if a group is no different than I am, then why would I possibly want to join it?  (Think about that!)

Are there signs we are going in the right direction?  What is the evidence we are becoming lukewarm, worldly, and carnal.  What do you think?  How would you describe the state of the 21st century church?  Are we marked more by holiness and reverence or, by Hollywood and revelry?

I see signs of revival, but they are off-shore.  (from an American perspective)  I read numbers on the American church scene that suggests that the percentage of churched people is dropping off 50% per decade on the age continuum.  Just look at the number of bald/gray heads in too many congregations.  Is the answer to be found in our being relevant, or is it in returning to values lost and forgotten?  Perhaps, it is some other concern or direction that needs attention and promotion?  How far have gotten from Sinai?  Is the Sermon on the Mount even on our radar?  Has God changed? Or, is it us?!

Friday, May 18, 2012



                You have seen it – homeless people going through dumpsters.  I have seen PBS shows on third world countries that have whole people groups that make a living by scavenging through garbage dumps.  They are truly desperate.  The trash is their treasure.

                We throw it all away.  “… not used it in a year … likely never will …” was by dear dad’s motto.  This culminated in an annual bonfire!    Me?  I have been called a “hoarder”, “messy”, “obsessive-compulsive-possessive” …  My motto is more like this:  “… never know when you might need any of those bolts or pipe fittings or …” that I pick up at work off the floor and fill my pockets like some 5-yr-old kid.  “Besides, they’re SS – they’re valuable!”  (Actually, daddy had home-made bolt bins that were in his “estate” when he passed.  They were full of every, imaginable, pulp-mill, discarded hardware!  But, that was HIS stuff.  Funny how we toss other’s stuff more quickly?!  But, I kept his, much to my wife’s chagrin.)

                My godly grandson, Daniel, truly believes in recycling – candy and gum discarded by a diet-conscious mom.  While dialing 911, in desperation and panic created by Daniel going missing, his mother noticed two little feet underneath the coffee table, which was laughing and giggling; or, there was a missing child under it?!  He would not answer her distressed pleas because his mouth was full of “garbage” and he knew she did not value recycling as much as he did.  (Sarah does love thrift stores and yard sales, though.)

                Our Heavenly Father collects junk and discards and throw-aways.  There is another one who is only too quick to garbage-can any and all of it.  But, He keeps garbage picking!  God throws open the dumpster lid, carefully removing broken pottery and ruined refuse, smiling as He plans and envisions repair and recycling!  He mutters to himself, “This can still be …”

                Do you know how much God treasures you?!  He is like a kid secretly enjoying rescued candy.  You are the M&M’s!  He is like a housewife stopping at a yard sale.  You are the knick-knack that He just has to have.  He is like a hoarder picking up a discarded pipe elbow that has lots of possibilities.  You are that part waiting to be polished and put back into service.  And, yet, how much do we value trash and garbage?  God values each and every one of us!  He sees himself as a treasure hunter!  Maybe we should sing, “Recycle me, Lord …”?! (to the tune of “Revive Us Again”?!)

Monday, May 14, 2012

She Cuts Herself!

She Cuts Herself!

          At first she brooded sullenly, feeling backed into a corner, away from the light of day and the joy of laughter.  Frustration, futility, hopelessness, then anger, vengeance, violence took over her mind.  She stepped back, shocked, briefly; but then it all turned inward.  This is how she got here.  He really cut her.

Jack and George just gave her a headache.  What would reassure her that she was still alive?  Her mother’s words just fell on deaf ears.  She could not even feel the pain anymore.  It started with a nagging paper cut!  Most of the new stimuli were hidden.  But, maybe she wanted to be found out?
“But, I bleed!  That proves I am.”  The excitement did not last.  She could pretend the pain is pleasure.  Such a liar!  She almost believes it, though.  But, I can remember real love.  The cuts are not caresses.  But what else do I have.  She does not like what she sees in the mirror.   And, the blues bring on the blood-letting.  In goes the gloom, and out comes the razor.

At a coffee-shop, from across the room, comes a tender glance.  “But, surely he knows how messed-up I am?!”  She looks back, and he’s gone.  She exits to the “ladies” room and opens her purse.  “Dammit, I have done it again!”  She unrolls the t.p. to stop the bleeding.  She hates herself.  Surely, everybody else does, also?!  People stare at her leaving.  “You people have no idea ... !!”

Nobody wants me.  Nobody needs me.  They will not use me, again.  I’ll make sure of that.  The scars will repel them.  I may slash a big one -- across my face?!  Everybody sucks.

Mama, can you hear me?  Don’t hang up.  I need to talk to you.  It … is … no … good.  Can I, please, come home?  I miss you, so much.

God, help us!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our Heavenly "Mother"?!

Our Heavenly “Mother”?!

But we behaved gently when we were among you, like a devoted mother nursing and cherishing her own children.  So, being thus tenderly and affectionately desirous of you, we continued to share with you not only God’s good news (the Gospel) but also our own lives as well, for you had become so very dear to us.
  (1Thess.2 - Amplified)

Paul admonishes us, “be imitators of me, even as I am of Christ”.  (1Cor.11:1 NASV)  And, Jesus says, “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father”. (Jn.14:9)  So! Paul > Jesus > the Father!  (interesting theological gymnastics, but bear with me!)

In Paul’s Christian demeanor, we can see a clear picture of God.  There are at least seven, maybe ten, attributes of a mother, well worth study and application. (read this text in different translations!)

     1.       “gently”                      6.       “desirous”
     2.       “nursing”                    7.       “sharing”
     3.       “cherishing”               8.       “selfless”
     4.       “tender”                     9.       “sacrificial”
     5.       “affectionate”          10.      “endeared”

There are many pictures of God, in Scripture – shepherd, savior, rock, … but, today, let’s consider “mother”!  Indeed, “father” can be a tender term with many connotations.  “Abba” is akin to our English “daddy” with all its sentiment and emotion.  But, consider, for today, “Our Heavenly Mother”?!

Do you picture the God of Heaven, “gently” picking you up when you have foolishly followed your own willful path to harm?  Can you imagine Jehovah God “nursing” you at her breast, “cherishing” you as she “tenderly” embraces her child?!  Dare to understand the “affection” and “desire” that can become fearsome emotions as her child encounters harm or danger!  The LORD “selflessly” “shares” the best with her child, while she takes the leftovers.  She would even “sacrifice” her very life for her child!!  This is all true, for, you are “dear” to her!

Tomorrow, She can be “Father” again!  He is our Rock and Shield!  He is our Tower and Deliverer!  But, the child can run to Her and be swept up into her soft embrace.  May God bless you.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Living in the tension

Visualize a figure suspended in space between opposing forces.  It is floating, slowly spinning, reacting to any movement away from the center of the forces’ orb, by relocating back to center.  If somehow it were to fail to respond to this correction, it would go flying out into a dark void, perhaps irretrievably.

What are these opposing forces?  mercy and holiness, patience and perfection, growth and goodness, love and law, reality and possibility, … they all hold, in suspended protection, this life force as it evolves into its destiny.

But, for some reason it is desirable to gravitate toward one or the other, it seems.  Why?  Impatience?  Ignorance? Some other outside force?  Living in the tension is uncomfortable, on one level; but, on another level it is stimulating and soothing, all at once.

To violate this balance is destructive to individuals, groups, thinking, actions.  Warped, damaged, mutated perversions form too quickly, and the original ideal is lost.  In fact, it is seen as an evil aberration of the new center.  All frame of reference is lost, and soon, the darkness is somehow not only accepted, but approved, and accentuated.  The “truth is exchanged for a lie”.  

Long ago, the prophet Isaiah wrote –
Woe to those who call evil good
    and good evil,
who put darkness for light
    and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
    and sweet for bitter.
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
    and clever in their own sight. (Isa.5:20-21)
We run the risk of fulfilling this ancient prophecy afresh in our dark times.  We are so very clever in our twists and turns.  We redefine words and re-imagine reality.  We refuse to live in the tension, and rather, go spinning out of control into our own worst nightmare.  Between the forces is protection and provision, direction and discipline, refining and refreshing.  Beyond is darkness and destruction, mutation and misery, chaos and confusion.  The hands of God are healing and weaning, pruning and dunging, refining and molding.  Stay there.  Do not move to the right or to the left.  Rest in His hands.

Sunday, May 6, 2012



Life is sand…
Sand in an hourglass slipping steadily away.
Sand for the footprints, we barely leave behind.
Sand sliding beneath feet, progress impeding.
Sand slipping through fingers, possessions forgotten.
Sand blown into glass, later, only to be broken.
Sand in the machine, better known as grit.
Sand formed from life’s irritating shoe-pebbles.
Sand for potatoes and carrots, and even asparagus!
Sand back-filling the hole, even as it is dug.
Sand for the desert, the nomad and hermit housing.
Sand in the wind blowing, blinding, and hiding.
Sand for the painter, his beginning to find.
Sand on the beach forming shoreline for the tide.
Sand for the island, a barrier or refuge to make.
Sand for the sculpture, today admired, tomorrow washed away.
Sand filtering the trash from the water, safer to drink.
Sand for the cat, to help keep him neat?!
Sand for the sandstone, the wonders to form.
Sand for the invaders’ rampart, the city to take.
Sand for the bags to hold back the flood.
Sand for the paper to smooth the work.
Sand for the mortar to hold the stones.
Sand for the cement to build the road.
Sand for the mold, to form the new part.
Sand replacing the wood as it petrifies.
Sand for the crap and ostrich to burrow beneath.
Sand for the children to build all their dreams.
Sand ruining the floor finish, beneath their dirty feet.
Sand for the man, to bring us a dream.
Sand for the holy man, his medicine to paint.
Sands to try and number the children of Abraham.
Sand for fools to build upon, rather than upon the Rock.