Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 Today I met an old man in a waiting room at the doctor's office. He must have been eighty something.  As I set down near him I looked at him briefly and he smiled. He asked me, "how are you doing?". I told him that I was doing fine, but that we had brought my wife to the doctor today to check her eyes.

Then it began! He smiled and said, "my wife and I were married for 50 years and 3 months.". I asked him, "what was her name?". "Louise" he warmly, but softly replied.

We talked of how they had met on a blind date. He told me that he knew that she was the one on their first date because they sat together and his shoulder touched her shoulder and it was on fire!  We talked of how they were married four months later! We talked of camping trips that he had made with his family. He told me that Louise and he had gone on cruises together many times.

I told him that I was sorry that he had lost her. And he smiled and quickly replied, "Its not over!". He knew that he would see her again.

From the next few minutes, before the nurse called him back, we talked of Heaven and how we surely would know our loved ones! We talked of the movie, "Heaven" (2020) and how "it's not over" was a recurring quote!

We shook hands and exchange names before  he went back to his appointment room.

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