Friday, July 31, 2020


At work, we sat around a circle of tables waiting on the group leader. He walked in and his first question was "what are y'all hungry for?"

As he looked around the room he got different responses: "hamburgers" "fried Chicken" "pizza" ...

He looked at me and I paused and said ...
I'm hungry for family time.
I'm hungry for vacation travel.
I'm hungry for peace and quiet.

Then, after a pause, I added, "I am hungry for righteousness! I want to be doing the right thing. I want to be on the straight and narrow path. I want to be going towards the light. ..."

After another pause, I added, "I'm hungry to hear Him say 'well done good and faithful servant' ... that's what I am hungry for!"

Then I woke up and looked at the alarm clock to see if I had overslept. I had a few minutes the wait for the alarm to buzz.  I have the rest of my life to be thinking about this dream?!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


They are not hopeless, many of them, but they are fallen.

They are not malformed, though twisted and tortured, but they have forgotten their birthright.

They are not fakes, not all of them, but they are failures.

The warrior rages against the darkness, striking out against any shadow.

The priest struggles to bring meaning to a confusing chaos mixed with darkness and maybe distant light.

The prince, born to the top of the heap, sleeps restlessly, watching jealous contenders.

The physician digs into his bag of herbs and potions, does his best, and watches death march on.

The peasant, not rich, not read, not privileged, simply struggles along, doing what he must, what he can.

Our eyes, they have blinded with their brimstone fire.  Our ears they have deafened with their hellish racket.  Our wings, they have snatched away.

Where are You?!
Do not forsake us!
Come down upon the mountain with blazing power.
Speak quietly to our hearts.
Save us.

Carry home your crippled beloved.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

IWTY - I will trust you


Even if my pick is not elected ... IWTY

Even if our nation's leaders go from bad to crazy ... IWTY

Even if the laws of my country get farther and farther from right ... IWTY

Even if this pandemic gets worse, and no cure is found ... IWTY

Even if my government greedily shifts to policies that do not work ... IWTY

Even if the world economy tanks ... IWTY

Even if my church wanders and struggles ... IWTY

Even if there is marked a 6/11 and a 3/11 ... IWTY

Even if I get that late night phone call ... IWTY

Even if I leave the doctor's office with no hope ... IWTY

Even if I come home to an eerily quiet house ... IWTY

Even if none of it makes sense ... IWTY

Even in my own dark night of the soul ... IWTY

Lord, I trust in you; help my lack of trust!  Give peace and joy where there is anxiety and fear.

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6‭-‬7 ESV