Wednesday, May 2, 2018


I was raised picking tulips and trash-canning them!  I understood a dichotomy between C's and A's.  And, before that, a wider gulf between RC's and Prots.  Throw into the mix EO's and Copts.  It was "us, and not even all of us" sectarianism at its best!

Where is the unity? Is it in our theology?  Is it in our culture?  Is it in our "baptism of the Spirit"?  Is it in our focus on world problems and suffering? 

The music is echoing. The dream's reawakening. The dancing feet are tapping.

Thanks for the stimulating fellowship, albeit, only in a cyber kaffeeklatsch. 

I have grown to admire the Wesleyan tradition.  Dated a Methodist in HS. My mama was a Methodist.  Married a girl from a Nazarene Church family.  Attending a Holiness Church that is evolving into a community church, much to the chagrin of the leadership?!  Really admire CW's hymns.  Have a few FB friends who are thoughtful, spiritual, UMC preachers, all female?!  Sometimes they seem to be more concerned with saving the Earth, than saving the world.

Visited a RC church during an Ireland vacation.  They closed the assembly with "Amazing Grace"?!  Wow!  with an Irish brogue!  They prayed for famine victims in Africa! (think potato famine, "The Hunger") God was moving among the "papists"?!

The RC's shove out the Prots. The C's arrogantly denigrate the A's.  The C's and A's lock arms and " heretic" the P(elagian)'s.  On and on it goes?!

Surely there are some sine qua non's?!  But, we crucify one another over a very long list, including translating Bible into English, down to, nowadays, not using KJV?!

It leaves me disheartened.  I have pulled back, looking at mystics, and spiritual bloggers.  Jesus IS the reason I hold on.  I try to "let it go" with the rest of it.

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