Thursday, May 17, 2018



Wandering around forty years in the wilderness,
Without faith they had sorely failed the test.
Back to bondage in Egypt they thought they'd go;
What He was doing, they stubbornly just did not know.

Forty years ago, together, we this journey began.
All I can say is "I would love to do it all again!"
In faith we have watched Him cause the waters to part.
Providing and guiding, we were always, ever in His heart.

Like father Abraham, we left family to a land unknown.
Like two sparrows, by the Wind we were ever blown!
Yes! His eye was upon us, always,  wherever we went.
Though, sometimes His guidance was barely a whispered hint?!

Friends we have made all along the winding way.
Without them we would not be the same today?!
Many, many are the memories, both joys and tears.
But, O, so quickly have slipped by the years.

A new child came, every time the anchor we'd hoist!
Thinking of them now, only makes my eyes moist.
Along came a princess, and then, next came two prophets.
Now they have grown and flown, with their own little eaglets.

Long ago, You planned these forty years of bliss,
With us journeying on, collecting "what is this"!
We have picked up grace, mercy,  and forgiveness for starts.
Two becoming one; the whole greater than the parts.

Decades ago, I nervously reached for your soft hand.
Later, though foiled, a stolen kiss was my wishful plan!
So far, forty years we have thankfully been given.
Two decades more? Maybe! But, forever together, beside you in Heaven!

For ever and ever!
Melanie and Jerry.

Thank you, Jesus.

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