Friday, October 28, 2016


“Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing …” was the ardent petition, the merciful request, the incredible plea of the Son!  Whence, from what holy place, comes such?!  Who, indeed, is this man?!  As the centurion on that hill confessed, “surely, this is the Son of God!”

He told the “sons of thunder” that they did not know of what “spirit” they had!  (but, it was not the Holy Spirit of God!)  He chided the Sabbath-defenders for wanting to DESTROY life (indeed, the “Life”!) on their blessed Sabbath; but, he RESTORED life as He healed the cripple’s withered hand.  (Besides, the “Son of David” was far more righteous and sovereign that the “shewbread-eating” King David, whom they readily excused and before to whom they respectfully acquiesced.)  O, how so very ignorant they were!

To the angry, self-righteous, predatory mob, with the humiliated “trap bait”, the poor adulteress, He quietly remarked, “… he quietly remarked, “… he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone …”  And, then He patiently knelt, writing in the sand, (who know what?!)  waiting for the ignorant mob to come to their senses.  And, then to the quivering, sobbing lady on the ground, he gently, but firmly, and, oh so kindly, whispered, “… where are those who condemned you? … I condemn you not!  … go, and sin no more…”  “Who, who indeed, is this man?!”  She surely wondered as she stumbled away, glancing over her shoulder in wonder and gratitude!

With “sinners He ate, much to the confusion and consternation of those who “did not know”!  On one occasion, He graciously accepted the heart-broken homage, the forgiveness-hungry fealty, the accepted-one adoration, of the “what-sort-of” woman as Simon the Pharisee ignorantly sat in judgement on this “supposed prophet”!  Jesus pushed Simon to the edge to know the source of here love, that Simon somehow did not know.  He just did not get it!

David got it.  He wrote of knowing this blessed place – “Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.  Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit..” (Ps.32)  Humbled, David found refuge there!  Saul of Tarsus got it.  He would forever remember the answer to his Damascus Road question, “…who are you, Lord?”  Ouch!  The Pharisee missed it; but, the publican knew it full well, as he pleaded “mercy”!

O, Jesus, I know that You are the Way, the Truth, the Life; and, I know that your name is the only name given that saves.  But, Lord have mercy on us!  Satan is such a liar.  We are so weak and stupid.  Darkness clouds the Light.  Open our eyes to see the ray of hope that you give us, so graciously.  So many of us have even distorted your sweet name into a rock-hurling, lightning-striking caricature.  Others of us have shoved you from the table that you prepared for us, and invited your enemies to head the table.  Forgive us!  We do not know what we do.  Maybe even Judas can find mercy?  Surely, You are “not willing that any should perish”?!  Will there be a tear in your eye when you, at last, command, “depart…”?  Forgive us – we know not what we do!

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