Saturday, March 12, 2016



My godly wife likes to help God with His bird-feeding chores!  She feeds the hummingbirds, which are anything but nice – vicious, selfish, tiny kamikazes!  And, she likes to fill her other feeders with “bird seed” which does not grow into new birds, but rather introduces all manner of weeds to the area under and adjacent the feeders!  I have no earthly idea what some of those plants are.  Well, I do know that they are “undesirables”!  I have asked her to feed only sunflower seeds and maybe corn or something like that.  But, I do not want weeds volunteering from the “birdseed”.


We are bird-brains.  Darkness spreads lid a poisonous vine from little seeds that we plant in our minds.  The innocent and verdant “garden of Eden” is exchanged for a thought world of briars and weeds.  Instead of roses and daisies, we cultivate thorny, ugly, viscous-oozing, poisonous vines and bushes.  And, these substitutes are invasive and hardy and prolific.  With little effort, they take over and the beautiful paradise that was heaven sent degenerates into a dark, brooding, dangerous jungle.


There are many different “seeds” that we let take root, if not calculatingly cultivate within the fields of our mind – lies, rationalizations, half-truths, self-deceptions, self-flattery, distortions, inaccuracies, …  on and on goes the list.  The Kingdom does indeed grow from a mustard seed.  But, the dominion of darkness sprouts from tares that the enemy sows in the field of one’s mind.  To be sure, Jesus mentioned letting the tares grow with the wheat, but undoubtedly He had in mind misguided individuals, not mistaken ideas.  Scripture admonishes us to “guard our hearts” and to “think on things above” and to “think soberly, righteously, godly…” .  God has warned that “a man is as he thinks in his heart” – good or bad!  Out of the heart comes the issues of life.  The Scriptures themselves can be “twisted to one’s own destruction”!


Discernment is needed to distinguish good seed and bad seed.  Sometimes just verbalizing one’s thinking would create a “yeah, right?!  You idiot!”  Try it!  Good or bad – “everybody else is doing it”?!  Let’s try another – “I’m worth it!”?! (advertising has refined some of these seed-ideas to a fine art)  A more subtle one?  “they owe me!  This is my way of balancing the tab!” 


A cluster of “bad-seeds” with a similar theme might include – “what’s one more mess up?” or, “in for a penny  – in for a pound" ("in for a dime – in for a dollar” US version)  or, “56 mph – 76 mph!  what’s the difference?” (a couple hundred dollars!)  All these are the spawn of Hell designed to turn a mistake into a lifestyle.  Rather, one needs to recognize the mistake, turn around, and run in the other direction as fast as possible!  Be like Joseph, and run out of the room!


Perhaps it would help to imagine the whole garden being full of the novel, new nut-grass.  The potted plant will find its way out of the pot and take over!  Imagine what the different seeds grow into.  Lust can turn into a destroyed marriage.  At the very least, it will dominate a mind that becomes more carnal and spiritually dull.  Porn is NOT an aphrodisiac; it is an acrid, insidious, invasive, parasitic weed.  The beauty of the rose will be forgotten.  Greed will force out of one’s heart any thought of God.  Jesus warns that both cannot be cultivated.  Hatred and anger will grow into murder.  A grudge will grow into retaliation and vengeance. 


What are the ways to defeat weeds?  Sometimes  a dose of herbicide is needed.  Agent Orange may be called for sometimes?!  One can pull up weeds.  A good hoe is worth the investment.  Vigilance and early intervention are very helpful.  A good ground cover is difficult for weeds to penetrate and establish themselves.  Maybe a weed-barrier fabric is called for?!


There is a list of fruit seeds that will grow the garden of God – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control!  Imagine what this garden would look like when cultivated and nourished?!  Eden would be reborn!

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