Friday, August 29, 2014

The Farmers' Market

the Farmers’ Market

“Look at those bright, red tomatoes!  and, the deep, purple eggplants!  and, the … I will need a cart and several bags.  We will eat good this week…”

“… and, if the Gideons did not exist, then I’d use some other vehicle…”  Wow!  To Ron, the Gideons is only one tractor in the barn.  But, the farming must go on.  This morning I met a friend (new one!) for breakfast.  Ron, a Gideons “Field Officer” [volunteer/retiree] met me for coffee, since I could not make the recruiting dinner.  I summarized my understanding of the Gideons, saying, “… y’all are basically about handing out Bibles?”  But, to this he replied, “No! we are about spreading Jesus!  We are USING the Bibles to accomplish this.  And, if the Gideons did not exist …”

Paul planted; Apollos watered; but, God gave the increase.  We are but earthen vessels, clay pots.  And, most of us are cracked pots!  But, the power and the glory is all the Lord’s!

What is the seed?!  With grain, the seed is the feed!  Corn is eaten and planted.  Apples contain the seeds that contain the trees that bear the apples!  Jesus is consumed and assimilated, strengthening and maturing.  Our spiritual muscles and bones are formed from the Bread of Life.

But, we are but the farmers.  God sends the rain and sunshine.  The Produce Stand can be full of fruit and vegetables.  On display can be love, joy, peace.  On the next table there is patience, kindness, goodness.  Another has gentleness, faithfulness, temperance.  I want some of ALL of that!  (This is way better than “organic”!)

With these in my diet, I can get up early, crank the tractor, and cultivate the crop.  God wants us to use whatever we have – a spade or hoe, a John Deere or Kubota, a culti-packer or bushhog.  There are all kinds of implements – plows, harrows, combines, sprayers.  Some are seed-spreaders.  Others are fertilizer-spreaders! [ha!]  Some read Progressive Farmer.  Some plant by the almanac.

But, the seed is Jesus!  And Christ is formed in our heart.  And it is no longer I that  lives, but Christ Jesus lives within me!

“And a sower went forth to sow …”  “Pray, therefore, the Lord of Harvest to send forth reapers…”  “Here am I …”

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