Monday, December 8, 2014

The Star On The Shelf

The Star On The Shelf

He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names. Psalm 147:4  


The celestial warehouse, full, with no room to stand,

Throbbed with Red Giants, cool dwarfs, and even some twins.

Then the doors rolled open; and in came His hand.

It was now Day Four, since it all started to begin.

Super and Magnus trashed and dissed who’d be last.

But His hand surely, quickly flung them out into space.

Into the darkness they all were exploded so fast,

Foreshadowing a day, called “the Fourth” by their race.

But, back in the warehouse on the shelf all alone,

Sat one little star with troubled confusion on his face.

Did He forget?!  I could only wonder, “what have I done?”

Why am I here, still, and not in my proper place?!

In confusion, I sat there, alone, forever it would seem.

I watched as He calmly, yet grandly continued his plan.

On one little rock, He spoke, the waters with fish did teem.

And in the sky all around it swarms and flocks did expand!

After night, when the stars all slept, came the next day.

He then filled the “Earth” with the beasts He did make.

Then He carefully took in His hands, a dab of the clay;

He lovingly formed a little “man” and breathed it awake!

The wicked little things, in the light of my brothers,

Sometimes, even they’d dare in the light of the “Sun”

They’d sneak about, and do awful things to others.

They’d boldly rebel, forgetting, ignoring the ONE!

Sometimes I would sense Him looking at me.

Then He’d look at the “Earth” with pain on His face.

Why was I sitting on the shelf with no better place to be?

Why did He endure the pain created by that race?

Off that shelf, with His hand He retrieved me nigh.

And in my ear He whispered, “it’s time; off you go!”

Though all the heavens surely wondered, “why?!”

“You now must go, and in your place must glow!”

All the others looked on with confused perplexity.

“What is he doing?  He’s going super-nova, maybe?!”

But I was determined that no eye would miss me.

Maybe the wise would then look for the Baby!


I had my moment, my place, to shine upon Him!

But, He is the Light, for all darkness the cure.

For but a brief moment, I shined over Bethlehem.

But, can you see the Light? Can you feel the allure?

The angels are singing; the stars still yet declare,

Always, as in that first noel, “gloria, in excelsis deo”

Come find the peace, the grace in His heart so fair.

Be as the wise men;  To the Light you must go!

* * * * * * * *

I’m sure that you’re aware, by now, full well.

Rhythm and rhyme, the evade me.  Do tell!

I’m no poet; and of this I surely know it.

Off the shelf, from my heart, the Light shines a bit?

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I shall never forget his cold, harsh, cruel words.  I was fourteen, but no stranger to the touch of men.  I am not sure that I can even remember which was the first of my drunken dad’s friends to slip into my childhood bedroom.   But, this boy, barely older than me was a good friend.  I thought he was different, a good boy.  After we finished our first time, I whispered my feelings for him in his ear.  And, in disgust, and derisiveness, he recoiled, and blurted out, “… you little fool; did you think I love you?!  None of us do; we use you! … ha!”

And, use me they did – so many of them!  I just lay there, numb, and hum this tune in my head, “…He's a man    He's just a man    And I've had so many    Men before    In very many ways    He's just one more …”  And, then one day, you’d never guess who shows up at my door –  (well maybe you would?!)     a preacher!  And he started talking to me about “love” and God and … but, I interrupted him and blurted out with biting sarcasm, “You fool; do you think I could love?!”  To me “love” was about nothing but what I could get out of their wallets and what they could get out of me.  But, hey, I was willing to try anything, at least once!

The stares.  The glares.  The giggles.  The snickers.  I saw and heard them all.  The “good” neighbors were incredulous.  They could not believe what they saw.  He was too kind to tell me what the “good” neighbors whispered to him, but I heard, more than once – “…you fool, do you think you love her?!  She certainly does not love you; she’s just using you…”  Even my calloused heart was stung by their sneering glances.  I stayed with him.  Gave him a son.  Had a couple more kids – but I had begun to play around by then.  Who knows whose they were!  He just acted like everything was great.  What a fool.

With confusion written all over his face, I quizzically stammered, “you fool, do you think I love you?!”  I quickly left, him, the kids, our home, everything.  I had friends waiting for me.  They “loved” me, and could give me things that he could not.  (of course, there were things that only he ever gave me, but …)  I was off to parties and fun!  But, after a while, my looks faded; and their desire abated.  To make ends meet, I became a piece of meat.  There’s still a market for discount, out-of-date produce, even if somewhat blemished and spoiled.  The Johns came by regularly enough, for a while.

In my door stood my “boss” with a wad of bills in his hand.  (far more than I was worth, to my customers?!)  Then, behind him, there he was again!  I was filled with a confusing mix of embarrassment and anxiety and hope.  My “boss” growled, “… get out; he bought you for far more than I can make off you in a year!”  You cannot imagine what I began to wonder, “… you fool, I think you love me!”  But, I dared not believe such an outrageous idea.  But, thankfully and gratefully, I put my belongings in a bag, and followed him home; what a nice word, “home.”

Later, I discovered, far too easily, that the children, now grown, had angrily and hatefully rebuked him, “… you fool, do you think she loves you?!”  It broke my heart; but, sadly, I cannot disagree with them for being upset.  But, he answered, calmly, but firmly, “… that’s your mother… besides … I love her, fool though I may be.”  My daughter, in tears, told me this later, adding, “I want a fool who loves me just like he does you!”

Someday, I may tell her of my first night home.  Late that night, that old preacher stood under the stars, looking into the night sky.  He thought he was out of earshot, alone with his Maker.  I will never forget what he whispered to the heavens – “your stubborn child at last has learned… it’s as she said… ‘you fool, you do love me, even me!’ thank you for being patient with me…”

May we be such “fools for Christ” loving and loved!

Saturday, October 18, 2014



(or, “that’s my buggy!”)

                After our Saturday morning McDonald’s breakfast date, my beloved next wants to go shopping at her favorite department store, “Dirt Cheap”.  (that’s another long story; some other time?!)  I walk through the dirt (c)heap in about ten minutes.  Occasionally I find a gem buried in the field.  But Melanie has “gold fever” and sifts for hours (not literally) looking for not-dirt, for cheap!

                She was in the child-clothes section sifting for grandkid socks or something.  I eased up and whispered, “… take your time;  I will wait in the car, listening to K-Love…”  Her parting request was “… bring me a buggy, please…”  “Sure,” I answered.

                I went outside to get her buggy from their buggy rack, pulled it back to the entrance, and held open the door for an approaching old lady.  She smiled, took MY buggy, and thanked me as she went inside.  My MacLeod temper flared for a nano-second as I considered what just happened!  The real “cart-boy” was approaching from the parking lot with a train of buggies.  The old lady, who took my cart, must have thought that was my job?!  (in my head, I thought, “…just get another…”)  The (real) “cart-boy” motioned that he was not going through the door I was still, dumfoundedly, holding open.

                Then, I heard it – a quiet voice just inside the door – “here’s your buggy, sir…”  She had not stolen my buggy, but was helping me by taking it through the door for me!!  My black heart was immediately pierced through with remorse!  This little, old black lady was reciprocating the kindness I had shown her.  Wow!  How did my kindness so quickly turn “killer”?!  God help us.  Fill me with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control!

                Why did I jump to the conclusion that she had used me?!  “Surely she saw me getting the buggy…” was my initial accusation!  But, she had not used me; she had helped me!  My black heart scares me.  Thank you for cutting me, to the heart, so quickly.  No, I did nothing, said nothing, but thought something.

                I want to assume the best in people.  I want to give others the respect, and forgiveness for which they are “entitled”!  I do not want the users to transform me into a cynic!  I do not want the bigots to blacken my heart!  I do not want the haters to shrivel my soul!  Create in me a clean heart, transformed into the likeness of the Prince of Peace! 



                I dropped her off at the door and I went to the gas pumps to fill up the CRV.  I was not really multi-tasking; I was avoiding, evading, … I just did not want to be bothered to  buy some over-priced popcorn, twice the price as the GV popcorn inside the store!

                I am sitting about 15 spaces from the “hawker” scouts, watching them raise money for their group.  But, I know that scout leader and his son.   “Why is he doing this …?” is my question!  What is he trying to accomplish?  (why am I writing this?!)  This is a man who has his boys on weekends, at best.  His wife ran off with his co-worker that they befriended and housed during a rough spot in his life.

                This man is trying his best to keep it together, spending time with his boys, however he can, teaching them how a true man acts?!  His wife may be a trollop.  His friend may have betrayed him on the deepest level.  His co-workers may whisper and glance away from him.  But, he keeps on.  He is showing his boys – the world is not totally dark!

                I might have shot him, the “other guy.”  As for his wife, I am thinking “Hosea and Gomer”?!  I need to respond to life with faith, and with hope, and with love.  That scoutmaster is teaching this disciple!

                Well, let’s go home and watch Bama play ball while we munch our popcorn!  "Roll, Tide, Roll"