Saturday, October 28, 2023



Many are the worldly powers that be.

They take no notice of such as me.

For their cause, they must have victory!

God alone knows the outcome we'll see.

Angry young people demanding their share.

Confused old workers, tired from wear and tear.

They each, in their own way, think that it is all unfair!

It's all really mine; so you best beware!

Feed the hungry, and maybe make a new friend?!

Or, stand at the door, and don't let them come in?!

Where we are now, we really already have been.

You're not my neighbor, and I'm not your kin!

Is the aim of this game just  to hustle and hoard?!

Surely there's a higher way? Please, help us Lord!

Maybe we could finally learn to live in one accord?

Surely that's a train on which we can all get aboard?

Has that train already left the station?

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