Sunday, February 5, 2017

Returning to God

Returning to God

Ecclesiastes 12 (RSV)   Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before …  the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

A phrase that haunts me goes something like this – “… homesick for a place I’ve never been before …”  Some speak of a “soul pool” from which we are drawn to come into this reality.  I can imagine a bag of seeds awaiting the hand that slings them into the soil of the field.  Can you remember forgotten memories, of a better place, lurking the shadows of your mind?  My spirit is returning to God, one step at a time.

It is said that scents have powerful memory stimulation ability?!  Just what is the aroma of Paradise lost?  Like bees searching for the nectar of eternity, what bloom draws us there?  It seems that the birds have eaten the crumb trail leading us back home.  The scent of the trail grows colder.  The light of the wisps so easily draws us to the glare of the Fire.

We are struggling along the path home.  But there are many detours and dead-ends, so many distractions and even derailments.  We so easily lose our way.

Father, restore the ancient landmarks.  Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight, in the desert a highway to our God!  Show us the Way!  Help us, to focus on Jesus, the trailblazer, the very Way!  Make his footprints glow, marking the path.  Burn into our very hearts His answer to Thomas’ question, “… how can we know the way?” – “I am the Way, the Truth, the Life!”  May we fear no evil as we walk through the valley, because you are with us.  

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