Monday, December 12, 2016


Here I sit, musing, reading, and, now stewing in consternation.
With a longing heart, seeking God, I consider Christian meditation.
Surely, involved in this spiritual discipline is some sort of cogitation.
But, it must go well beyond assembling facts, to deeper rumination?
Some would point to an inner light, perhaps calling it illumination.
But, this alone is not enough, if not linked to practical transformation.
At times, this holy habit may well lead to ineffable, esoteric transportation
into ethereal, other-worldly, God-glorifying, silent, worshipful exultation.
But, more often, guidance and direction are the blessed, practical application.
The Eastern mind calls for darkness and clutter and cacophony purification,
Ultimately leading to the soul’s, the mind’s, yes, even the self’s elimination.
But, Heaven warns of the sterile room; and there is need of earnest supplication
for replacement, for addition, for refurbishment, yes, for lively alternation.
Sometimes, this is best approached and practiced in quiet, sober isolation.
But, often, input and direction can best be found in believer congregation.
Simply understood, it could be called listening for His quiet communication.
Misunderstood it might be wrongly compared to ungodly, heathen divination,
Or, even misconstrued as some sort of mere psychological manipulation.
The writers of the Holy Scripture were moved along by what’s called inspiration.
Yet, to such heights and depths, I dare not compare this struggler’s holy situation.

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