Wednesday, April 27, 2016



Lord Greystoke, long lost, from the jungle they would save.
Dressed him up, after bathing, and giving him a shave.
Now, look at him! A refined, proper, dandy English gentleman!
In fear they watched, him ripping off his shirt, roaring, “Me Tarzan!”

Everyone feared the "Long-Hair", muscles rippling, Samson, his name.
Mowing down enemies with the jawbone of an ass was his game.
But, poking out the eyes of the betrayed, love-lost, hog-tied skinhead,
Ass-like, they forced him to turn their mill, now just the walking dead.

A voice out in the wilderness, a prophet eating locusts and honey,
The hand of God was moving John, not some position nor filthy money.
In his robe of scruffy camel hair, he called them a “brood of snakes”!
“Repent, you hypocrites! The axe is coming! Beware the fiery lake!”

Young William watched as the English stole their family land.
Then his young eyes witnessed, murdered, the chiefs of the clan.
All of the clans of the highlanders behind him to the battles did come.
Another, the Bruce, fought on; but he, betrayed, groaned his last words –  “freedom!”

Unlike Boromir, still in life, I do vow – I will follow You, my Brother... My Captain... My King.
Forever, I gladly and humbly do bow; My all is for You; I withhold not a thing,
For You, King Jesus, ever would I fight, nothing held back, going to the wall!
But, only You, take me to the doorpost, and forever seal my fate, with Your hammer and awl.

It seems to me that all my heroes have always worn denim:
Cowboys and old millwrights – wow, doncha wanna be them!
No flip-flops ever did fit their feet; just give them their boots.
Nothing but scorn for neck ties; only "lawyers" and "bankers" wear suits.

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