Monday, February 29, 2016


The nurse hands him to his mother.  And she tenderly takes the hand of her newborn, only minutes after the pain of birth has ceased.  And, an unseen bond forms forever.  With a tenacious grip, I take the hand of my mama, looking around at the lights and the world.
A young child reaches for his dad’s hand, as he listens to the howls in the night, just outside their tent.  “Daddy, take my hand…”  And, a gentle squeeze relieves all fears.  The little boy rolls over in his sleeping bag and nods off to sweet dreams.
“Take my hand, now!” is the demand, as a parent protectively holds the hand of a youngster.  They safely walk through the dangerous and unfamiliar setting.  All is well.
The two brothers are growing up so quickly.  They often fight, but are just as quickly over any hard feelings.  Next they try to squeeze into submission the hand of one another.  It is a tight squeeze, but neither will cry “uncle” as they take each other’s hand!
A struggling teen questions life and meaning.  So many questions!  But, a kind soul takes his hand and pats his back; and he whispers that it will all make sense one day. 
He swims out to the nearly gone fisherman, and he barks, “take my hand!”  The  drowning man desperately clings to the rescuer’s hand, as his only hope.
The two lovers gently squeeze one another’s hands.  He takes her hand and messages are sent only they can hear.  Within their joined hands is contained warmth that only their souls can sense.
Seeing one another all too seldom, the old college room-mates clasp their hands.  They firmly shake hands as they renew bonds of camaraderie.  It is almost like they just saw each other yesterday!  Sweet fellowship in a bitter world.
Like two sparrows in a hurricane, the aging couple struggle through a sea of strangers in a noisy, crowded store.  “Take my hand” he whispers to her, fearing they might lose one another.   She finds security and peace in his grip.
In the middle of a dark night of his soul, peace comes from the touch of an unseen hand, squeezing my own, bringing quiet comfort.  And, I pray, “squeeze a little tighter!”
The doctor walks in and approaches the bedside, telling me, “take my hand; squeeze my hand if you can hear me…”   There is only a weak response, but it is promising.  And, his family joins hands in prayer.
Grown children take the hand of an aged parent as he slips away in death.  They look at his old, weathered hand, and remember … and, they listen as he seems to be humming an old hymn, “as I travel through this pilgrim land … blessed Jesus, take my hand…”
The ferryman is coming?!  I lay there dreaming of the story of one who jumped out of the boat.  But, Jesus took Peter’s hand as he slipped beneath the waves.  Then, I hear a voice, “take my hand” and wonder, what hand is this that raises me from this dark hole”?!  Sweet Jesus!

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