Sunday, November 1, 2015

God is "fruity"

I have been praying, recently, to become the list of Spirit produced fruit -- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. (Gal.5)  I want a heart, a character, a personality, a life that is defined, recognized, controlled, filled with these traits.  I can read in various translations, study the Greek, check out commentaries, take a look at books -- but, I am praying for the Spirit to do His thing, as only He can, and change me to be LJP...

During this morning's prayer, the thought came to me that this "fruit list" is a resume of God, a nine-sided picture of the Other!  Oddly, missing are the descriptors the theologians like to use to put God in a box?!  And, they sound like somebody trying to describe Jesus!

We are being transformed into His likeness, by the Spirit.  This is the itinerary, the map, the recipe. 

this old hymn comes to mind --

 Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole, 
I want Thee forever to live in my soul;
Break down every idol, cast out every foe;
Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

from one level of glory to the next, I am becoming like Him!

but, this is not about me, it is about Him, and me becoming like Him; so, maybe MWS needs to re-write his song to include the LJP list?!

"You are ..."

in His "otherness" He is LJP... (do not think G-W -- JEPD?!) -- just imagine Heaven radiating with love, joy, peace?!  His light fills the place! (thinking 4D, cannot help it)  We call this "holy, holy, holy..."

I feel a sermon developing -- "God is LJPPKGFGS" linking Bible narratives to each uncial?! 

if you were to call me a "fruitcake" would that be a compliment?!  

maybe I will go re-read "The Shack"? -- Aunt Jemimah, Dinty Moore, and a technicolored wood sprite...

("weird" is a good word)

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