Tuesday, August 18, 2015



                “Ben…why do you have to keep so much clutter?!  …just look at those old, worn-out sandals!   … throw them away; you cannot keep all this stuff!”

                (patiently, sighing) “…my dear Hannah, I am sorry to upset your sense of order, but you have no idea how special these sandals are to me.  I have had them since I was a small child, and I intend for our little Joseph to get them.  It seems like only yesterday when I asked my grandfather why he kept them around.  I remember his eyes welling up with water and he began to tell me the saga of these sandals…”

                “… are you for real?!  Your family heirloom is a worn-out pair of sandals?  What else did you inherit in the estate, an old, moth-eaten kippah?!  We have to stop hoarding!”

                “dear wife, granddad, as a child, asked his dad where he got those old, dry-rotting sandals, and he was told of an old man, dying in his tent, thirty-five years into “the Wilderness”.  As he struggled for his last few breaths, they called to him his family.  Then, he looked at his oldest son, Tobias, and handed him these sandals.  He whispered into his ear, ‘I wore these sandals, thirty-five years ago when I was one of the “Twelve” sent in to check out our new home.  We failed the LORD.  We had seen so much, but we focused on the giants, not God!  He has purged and pruned us.  You do better!  Trust Him.  God has preserved these sandals for decades now.  When you get there in a few years, He said, forty years, you put on these sandals and march in to take the land, faithfully and fearlessly!”

                “I had no idea … this is awesome …”

                “Oh, there’s more.  Papa Toby strapped them on when they marched around Jericho those seven days!  But, as they conquered the land, he put them up, and preserved them.  To me, they say, ‘the LORD preserves us!’  Hannah, are you not listening to this?  Where are you going with those shoes?  Do not toss them out!”

                “…dear husband, we will NEVER throw away these sandals;  I am putting them up on the mantel for display and protection and veneration.  The LORD does indeed protect and preserve his people!”

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