Monday, March 26, 2012

Holy Hunger, or A Jesus Junkie!

Holy Hunger, or A Jesus Junkie!

What if our love for God was stronger than our sex drive?  I once asked this of a womanizing co-worker!  He said I am crazy.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  But, what would our lives be like?  Our world?!

Habit, Compulsion, Urge, Impulse, Dependence, Addiction, Need, Obsession, Passion, Fixation, Craving, Longing, Desire, Hunger, Thirst, Yearning, Infatuation …

Imagine an AA member staring at a liquor store resisting his next bottle.  Picture a crack-head trembling for his next fix.  Pity the porn pervert sitting at his computer ready to take his next peek.  Seemingly less harmful, but no less powerful are the urges of the football fan in November, the longing of the housewife escaped to the mall, the infatuation of the teen looking over car websites dreaming of power and prestige.  We even admire the outdoorsman/naturalist planning his next adventure, or maybe, the fifty-something escaping on the travel channel, and often, the worker paying his dues for his career.  They are all smokers itching for their next cigarette.

“As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you…” (Ps.42:1) are the words to a popular, contemporary,   devotional song.  Most of us can relate to thirst. (especially former athletes with masochistic coaches!)  Jesus highlighted the blessing of hungering and thirsting! (Mt.5:6)  The prophet Jeremiah proclaimed God’s promise that  “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  (Jere.29:13) Does that begin to sound like an addiction?!  Jesus designates the first and greatest commandment to be “Love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, all your strength.” (Mk.12:30f.)  Do you begin to sense an obsession?  We have wants, and even needs, but above all, Jesus challenges us to “seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness” (Mt.6:33) 

How does one develop an addiction?  Many would say one has to develop a taste for coffee.  I crave my morning cup, daily.  But, the first taste of chocolate ice cream, that is another matter (for most)!  What small child does not long for chocolate?  The psalmist, David, declares, “O taste and see that the LORD is good…” (Ps.34:7)  Echoing him, Peter pushes our addiction, saying, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” (1Pet.2:2-3)  Babies are addicted to milk!  They wake up hungry.  One feeds them and an hour later they are screaming for more.  The more they drink, the more they want.  Sound familiar.

Negatively, one can substitute a fake and kill an addiction.  Methadone and NicoDerm can “cure” bad habits.  Money can be substituted for the Son of Man, gold for God, silver for the Spirit.  One really cannot love both.  One addiction will ruin the other! (Mt.6:24)  And, one is in danger of violating Rule One (of the Ten) – “You shall have no other gods besides me”.  Why did He make that one the first rule?!  God must be your “first love”!  (Rev.2:4) And he jealously yearns for us! (Jas.4:5)  Now, there is a holy addiction!

And, it seems that one cannot tolerate one while enjoying the other.  It works both ways.  As one becomes addicted to money, then he repulsed by God.  (Mt.6:24)  This principle would seem to be valid in all other areas of competing compulsions?  If one eats a lot of vegetables, then a high-fat meal is sickening.  But a pizza lover despises salad and soup.  The more one becomes accustomed to one, the less he likes the other.

Are you going out of your way to avoid God?  Or, are you seeking him with all your heart?   For what would you “walk a mile”?!  A Jesus Junkie?!

 (apologies to Tom Waits)

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