Tuesday, November 21, 2023



It's 3 a.m. and I have again restlessly stirred.

Dark thoughts have revived and recurred.

I desperately listen for them, but hear not a word.

The angels are overshadowed by the ominous,dark herd.

From the Pit comes their noisy din.

Will I tonight hear the angels again?!

The demonic cacophony will not win?

Turn up the volume, on a new song, my Friend!



Wednesday, November 15, 2023



Adam was alone, with nobody to caress his face.

He looked around and watched the pairs embrace.

But, he was the only one of this new human race.

Something completely new in all this time and space.

At last, creation was complete, Eve he did spy!

"bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh" was his cry!

Never again will I ever have to sit alone and sigh.

Together, enjoying the garden, watching clouds going by.

Enter the Snake.

This is wrong, God, damn the foe.

But, alone, I will not, cannot let her go!

Beside her, away, through weal or woe.

Surely He will save, how, I do not know.

So Adam took the fruit from her hand.

She is my woman; I am her man.

What happens next, He must have a plan?!

Forgive us and save us, I know that He can?

I will go with her, together, we will die.

Alone, she will not be able to get by.

And Jesus looked down at his confused, straying bride ...

then He whispered, "For her I gladly will die..."