So many centuries
before, even eons, long ago in a forgotten, foreign garden, you slithered out,
so sleek and subtle, to the fair maiden, our mother; and, there, you started
your surreptitious sickening of our kind.
With your stare and soft hiss, you can charm the most sanctified soul
among us.
Secretly, you sneak about in silence and leave your slimy trail of stinking sin. A liar, stealthy and sly, you spread your slanted spins. Often, your shed skin leaves evidence of your sickening spoiling of our race. At the first, to our mother, you slandered the Creator, creating suspicions in her heart, to sully His glory.
Sometimes you suffocate, sucking the life out of dear souls. Often, you strike at us, sickening our souls, our minds, our very bodies. Others, you just scare, and they hurt themselves trying to get away?! Some have suggested, probably most insightfully, that you are a phallic symbol, beguiling our kind with sex and passion. So many, stupidly, stroke you and take you up to caress and embrace you. Suspicious we should be of your silent whispers as you “steal, kill, and destroy”. You seek, as some aggressive cottonmouth, to invade the ship of our salvation.

There may be many an alias; but, Serpent, you have a name – “Satan” – the slanderer of our brethren. Cast out you were, from the glory of His presence. Down to the Pit, you fell like lightening from sky. With you, went your misguided co-conspirators, doomed to dark, nether realms. In the name of Jesus, slink back into the sewer from which you skulk and you spread your sin. May God Almighty, silence your hiss, for once and for all. Amen!
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