There are
some places we have no business intruding.
Only once a year, only the High Priest could enter the Most Holy Place,
making atonement for the sins of the nation.
Behind the veil was a forbidden, mysterious aura where sins were
appeased and others dare not tread that Holy Place. It is demonic activity to reach through the
veil of forgiveness and retrieve a dead trespass and try to resurrect something
that God has buried?!

conversation began with comments about some preacher choosing to avoid using a
gospel quartet because of some past indiscretions. Ironically, it was noted that this same
preacher had some guard-dogs nipping at his heels over some dredged up stuff on
him! Martin Luther is quoted saying, “Only
the Devil brings up forgiven sins.” With
our tongue we can set the world on fire, the fires of Hell! We are
participating with the schemes of the Devil!
(James 2) We give new life to covered,
buried, forgiven sins. The Biblical
warnings about “gossip” begin to take on a more serious light?!
“… as far as
the east is from the west …” is the language of Scripture when it speaks of
forgiven sin. But, the demons go on a
scavenger hunt trying to revive these dead sins and employ them in their
schemes to steal, kill, and destroy the hearts and souls of the sons of
Adam. They want to go diving in the “sea
of forgetfulness” and retrieve what God has cast there. And, we are far too often unwitting helpers,
at best; and, at worst we are dark souls in league with Hell.
“… love
covers a multitude of sins…” “… love
keeps no record of wrongs …” These
sentiments are the directions to the high road, the route to the heavenly
highway. The Lord Jesus once basically
instructed some angry, hate-filled hot-heads, “drop your stones”! What he said was, “he that is without sin,
let him cast the first stone” as the crowd shoved the adulterous woman at his
feet and demanded Jesus to quote the Law.
But, Love covered a multitude of sins, and the stones dropped from their
hands. We need to let the $10 debts go,
and reflect on our own $10B overdraft?!
Recently, my
wife and I were discussing a particularly difficult sin that has surfaced in
our community. A man was accused of
sleeping with his teen daughter.
Agh! Does it get any worse than
that? We discussed how we might handle
such a nightmare if it were in our immediate family. I thought I was looking at an angel as my
wife softly suggested, “… we have to forgive …”?!
motivates such damaging, demonic cooperation?
Why do we act like this? Some of
it may be smoke to cover and excuse our own bad behavior and bent hearts? Some of it may be power grabbing as poor
sinners are manipulated into cages?
Agendas are pushed with no regard for the not-so-innocent bystander!
(much like the woman cast at the feet of Jesus?!) Some of it is likely just sad, sick, sordid
thrill-seeking, whether ignorantly, or darkly disseminated? Some sick souls just seem to enjoy
destructively setting fires.
What are the
results of a R/S? What does our
tale-bearing effect? Discord is
sown. Fellowship is destroyed. Relationships are damaged. Struggling disciples are disheartened. Jesus warned about offending such little
ones, and mentions something else being cast into the sea! Another after-effect is our distraction from
our mission. We focus on what should be
forgotten, and forget what should be our focus?!
God has a
way of protecting His secrets? Ananias
and Sapphira found out the hard way about telling lies about God. Not all of us have been struck down, yet, for
our gossip and tale-bearing. But, sowing
discord among brothers, causing little ones to stumble, attacking God’s
anointed, … these things are dangerously close to entering the Most Holy
“… the
secret things belong unto God …” may
contextually belong to another discussion, but it fits well here?! Another text mentions, “…what God has joined
together, let not man put asunder…” God
has put my sins with the un-sin of Jesus, and the balance is zero! But, the demons of hell are calling like
collection agents who have found my number.
But, they have no power over me!
But, to make
sure the point is not missed, maybe you need to remember such axioms as “let
sleeping dogs lie” or maybe “do not stir the crap; it will stink”. If you must talk, then go talk TO the sinner,
not ABOUT the sinner! Do not resurrect
forgiven sins.
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