Recently I read the thoughtful blog
of a friend about living the simple life, sharing, rather than hoarding,
things of this life. He quoted Jesus’
comment about ravens recorded in Luke 12:24
(NASB) -- “Consider the ravens,
for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom nor barn, and yet God
feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!”
Taking the challenge literally, I stood for a few minutes
today at the top of the chip screen building, watching several crows 50 feet
below across the road in an abandoned, demo’d sawmill slab foundation. All the structures were gone leaving only a
concrete lot. The crows were drinking
from a puddle in the middle of this concrete wasteland, seemingly very happy to
enjoy the rainwater left there just for them!

They were not hummingbirds; nor, were they mockingbirds;
not even were they the dove over in the grass looking for seed, I suppose. They were just crows, plain-old crows, with
raven black plumage! And they were
enjoying their domain.

They were so small, from my position atop the CSB; but, they
were being watched. “…consider the
ravens…” What have they taught me today? What does my Lord want me to see in them?!
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