Will The True Jesus Please Rise

In John 18:28-38 we see at least three false images of Jesus, and if we “have eyes to see” we see the real Jesus! The Jewish leaders see a Jesus who is a troublemaker and blasphemer, at best a false Messiah. The disciples see a Jesus who is the next “King David” who will push out the foreign occupiers, but who is not conforming to their image. The Romans see an insignificant enigma. Before it is over, Pilate is scoffing, “what is truth?”
Jesus responded to Pilate, “In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (Jn.18:37) Earlier, Jesus had declared that He is the Truth. (Jn.14:6) But, we are slow to open our eyes to the truth. We all have vested interests in false truths.
Pilate, face to face with the Truth, even cautioned by his wife “not to cross this man”, (paraphrased!) decided to sour, side-step, substitute, and lastly to shirk his duty/chance, washing his hands of the matter. An eternal destiny was unfolding before his eyes and he was oblivious to it.
The disciples were blind to the true Jesus, as well. Peter even rebuked Jesus when he was forewarning of his crucifixion and explaining its implications. This scenario did not fit the image of the Messiah which was falsely built in his mind. It has even been suggested that Judas was trying to force the “King” out by selling him out, forcing His hand by kissing His cheek. Maybe. But, the Son of David was the “Passover lamb” as well as the Priest after the order of Melchizedek. Our high priest was born to die. They wanted a conquering general, not a selfless martyr.
The Jewish leaders, watching His miracles, listening to His wisdom, observing His compassion and kindness, were perturbed by His “unorthodoxy”. Goodness, He healed on the Sabbath! He challenged our traditions. He came to call the sinners, as a physician to the sick, not the healthy. He was turning upside-down their whole status quo. He had to go.

“Will the true Jesus please rise!”
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