A broken chain means that some load has been dropped, or something stuck in the mud is still trapped, or some secured ship is adrift. A weak link has caused failure. Imagine a human chain linking hands stretching into the torrent to rescue a poor soul in danger of being swept away and drowning! If a link is broken then all below that link is lost?!
Maybe it would be more helpful to compare this inter-generational rescue effort to a tree. From the roots, through the trunk, into the limbs flow nutrients from the earth. Every year each tree limb adds three or four new branches. What fruit will never be realized because a limb was broken off by a wind storm? What flowers will never be enjoyed because of some diseased branch? I have known whole families of reprobates because some grandfather took a wrong turn. And, I have seen families that seemed so tuned to heaven because of a good foundation and network of believers. Jesus speaks of the vine and the branches. But, he also speaks of pruning and piling the branches for the fire. Then, there is the redeeming analogy of grafting. Much to think about?
Or, one could view this concern like an irrigation system in a field – not an overhead spray, but a system of canals and berms. Life giving water flows from the reservoir through the canals, through the ditches, through the channels, until all the field is supplied. If one ditch is dammed, then a whole section of the field will wither and die. It is a damnable situation.
Fathers love their children and pray for them. To mind comes the Prodigal Son’s father. How many days did he strain his eyes on the horizon looking for his son? (Lk.15) The patriarch Job would regularly intercede sacrificially for his children. (Job 1:5) John wrote, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (3Jn.1:4)
I pray for my grandchildren’s grandchildren, even though I will never meet them in this life. I want to meet them in the next life! Sometimes I go backwards two generations and pray back down the chain and pray for cousins. Pray for in-laws. Pray for nephews and nieces. Pray …
Will the chain be broken? Satan takes our broken chains and uses them to bind us. Surely, Jesus has come to release the prisoners and declare freedom. He breaks those chains. But, let’s keep the heart chain strong. May He bind our wandering hearts to Himself. I have seen double-linked chains, every link connected to two other links, not just one. (maybe an Uncle as a spiritual mentor, and he has been praying for years for your mom!) And, I have seen chain nets! Like a safety net.

Another generation wailed out the mountain song, "O, The Circle Won't Be Broken" in its hope for an unbroken chain. Pray. Pattern. Plead, if need be! Will faith die or thrive in their hearts?
Practicals: 1. Personal devotion, 2. Marry a faithful believer, 3. Teach children, 4. Share cross-generation – nephews, cousins, …
Prayer – “Father, bless this family that we, all, may be saved, sincere, solid, spiritual, sold-out, sanctified, seeking-first, surrendering, sober, serious, sharing, single-minded … may this chain be secure and stretch to your strong hand.”